
2019年02月18日 FOX国际艺术





About Kate Jenkins

I was around the age of eight when I learned to knit and crochet. Right from the beginning, I was addicted. I spent many happy hours in my childhood home in Wales totally engrossed in creating ‘things’ with yarn! My passion has never abated.It didn’t take me long to realise that I was much better at interpreting an idea by creating it in 3d using wool rather than through painting or drawing. This led me to the University of Brighton and I graduated with a BA Honours in Fashion & Textiles in 1995. From then, I built a successful career as a knitwear designer. My designs have been used by some of the world’s most famous labels, including Missoni, Donna Karan, Ralph Lauren to name just a few.I was always looking for different ways to use my love of wool, textile and colour. And that’s how my art was born. 

The everyday has always fascinated and inspired me, particularly food. So I began to take things we all know and love – like fish and chips – reinventing them in wool.My first exhibition – Comfort Food – was a small one in my Brighton studio. I was nervous. Would anyone come? My art was so different, would anyone like it? Would I actually sell a crocheted bottle of ketchup? Well, the exhibition was packed. Everyone loved the art. And, yes, I sold quite a lot of pieces.This gave me the confidence to launch myself as an artist and to let my imagination take me on a journey. So far it’s taken me to London and solo shows in a Soho gallery. To Mott Street New York and another solo show. To Ally Pally and Dublin with my fish counter installation. A variety of Art Fairs and galleries. I’ve even had my art as a pop-up installation in the London Eye. Now, my work is collected around the world.While my journey has been varied and exciting, one thing never changes. Whatever I create, whether it’s a carton of French fries, a tin of sardines or a box of frogs I always include lots of warmth and a dash of wit. Above all, I want my work to make people smile.As well as staging exhibitions, I also work on commissions for public and private collections.

Brighton, England-based textile artist Kate Jenkins has been recreating veggies, seafood, and other favorite foods in wool for the last 12 years. Jenkins got her start in knitwear design, but has begun to focus on knitting feasts rather than fashions. In 2015 Jenkins made her largest installation to date, crocheting dozens of sardines, mussels, clams, shrimp, prawns, lobsters, crabs and other delights from the sea for a full-size fish counter titled “Kate’s Place the Stitchmongers” in Alexander Palace in London. For inspiration Jenkins knits or crochets from life, always purchasing the food she plans on recreating for accurate scale and texture.

Jenkins is currently working on her follow-up exhibition to “Kate’s Place” titled “Kate’s Bakes” which will switch from seafood to wheat in a life-size bakery that will be exhibited at the Handmade Festival in Barcelona this May. She hopes to tour the piece around the world, stopping in London, Paris, and New York, and incorporate localized treats for each destination. If you like Jenkins’s immersive knitting and crocheting experiences you might also like Lucy Sparrow’s felted corner stores and bodegas which have popped up in both London and New York. You can see more of Jenkins’s crocheted treats on her website and Instagram. (via Atlas Obscura)



Fox International Art





Fox的设计师与学员,无论是背景还是专业能力都是业界首屈一指,与众多知名一线品牌、著名博物馆合作过,如大英博物馆、V&A博物馆、德国国立宝石博物馆、GucciCartierAlexander McQueen、施华洛世奇、Gareth PughJohn GallianoDiorAlexander WangGiles Deacon、陈奕迅、余文乐等

Fox International Art



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