
2015年06月12日 西南美国商会

Impact and Social Investing in China and Around the World

中国西南美国商会(成都)特联合创意国际协会(Creative Associates International)与2015年6月25日联合举办影响力投资和社会投资讲座,分享影响力和社会投资的重要性,以及如何高效地进行影响力投资。


Wayne Silby

Wayne Silby是美国Calvert(凯威)基金会创始人兼主席,Calvert是一家在美国贝塞斯达注册的投资管理机构,总资产达115亿美元。Wayne Silby同时合作创立了Social Venture Network(社会创业网络组织),主要由社会型企业家和投资家以及Calvert Social Venture(凯威社会投资)合伙人等组成,其为全球最早创立的社会型风险投资基金之一。Silby先生担任美国乡村基金会中国委员会主席及董事会成员,并同时兼任格莱珉技术委员会董事会成员,其着力解决“数字鸿沟”问题。


Charito Kruvant是创意国际协会(Creative Associate International)的首席执行官及董事长,Charito也在数个中美洲和拉丁美洲国家创立双语教育和社区发展项目中心。 Charito同时也是首都圈地带社区基金会董事会主席。其除开作为金合欢联邦储蓄银行的董事会、凯威基金会、华盛顿峰会基金成员,Charito还是风险慈善伙伴的执行和拨款委员会、华盛顿经济俱乐部和联邦市议会执行委员会的成员。她同时也是美国小企业管理局华盛顿特区办公室的顾问委员会前主席。






Email:[email protected]

The American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest(Chengdu) China and Creative Associate International will hold a seminar on Impact and Social Investing in China and Around the World on June 25th,2015.

Speakers will discuss the importance of impact and social investment and how to do impact and social investment effectively and effenciently.

Keynote Speakers

Wayne Silby

Wayne Silby founded Calvert, a $15 billion investment management group in Bethesda. Mr. Silby also co-founded Social Venture Network, a group of socially oriented entrepreneurs and investors, and Calvert Social Venture Partners, one of the first socially oriented venture capital funds. Mr. Silby chairs the China Committee of Grameen Foundation USA, on whose board he also serves, and serves on the board of the Grameen Technology Council, which addresses issues of the "digital divide."


M. Charito Kruvant is President and CEO of Creative Associates International, Inc. She also founded centers for bilingual education and community development programs in several Central and Latin American countries.Charito is the chair of the Board of Trustees of The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region. She also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Acacia Federal Savings Bank and Calvert Funds for socially responsible investing as well as the board of the Summit Fund of Washington, and of the executive and grants committees of the Venture Philanthropy Partners. Charito is also a member of the Economic Club of Washington D.C. and the Executive Committee of the Federal City Council. She is a former chair of the Advisory Council of the U.S. Small Business Administration Washington D.C. office.


June 25th (Thursday)from 14:00-17:00


Oakwood Residence Funder Chengdu, No. 7 Xin Xi Wang Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu

Free of charge for AmCham members

Email: [email protected]

(limited seats, please R.S.V.P)

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