曼哈顿住家房产市场报告:正趋于买家市场 随着曼哈顿房源库存增多 向高价位房产倾斜

2015年08月06日 美国地产投资高峰论坛

左起:Jeannie Woodbrey, John Gomes and JuliaHoagland

From left: Jeannie Woodbrey, John Gomes andJulia Hoagland

在过去两年中,曼哈顿的住家房地产市场是卖家市场,买家常常抱怨有限的房源,有时候甚至是没有房源。但是一些资深经纪人说现在曼哈顿的豪华住家房地产市场正在慢慢朝着买家倾斜,部分是因为不断有新楼盘上市。Douglas Elliman的经纪人John Gomes说,“很长一段时间是卖家控制着市场,但是现在买家有更多机会,市场也趋于平衡了。渐渐朝着买家市场倾斜。”

For the better part of two years, sellers have dominated Manhattan’s residential market, while buyers clamored over limited and in some cases, nonexistent, inventory. But veteran brokers say the leverage is shifting, ever so slightly, toward buyers in the luxury segment, partially as a result of a rising number of new units hitting the market. “For a long time, the seller was in control,” said Douglas Elliman’s John Gomes. “We’re seeing more opportunities for buyers. It’s almost an even market. The buyer is inchingup in the control.”

当然,在一些价格区间的房屋的竞争尤其激烈,比如像报价在低于$200万或者$200万的两室公寓最火爆。Compass房地产经纪公司的Julia Hagland说,“但是价位在$500万或者以上的市场,买家都不会着急。如果市场定位良好的话,这样的房子也会走得很快。但是多人叫价的状况已经比较少发生了,所以买家可以比较周全地考虑自己的出价和购买。”

To be sure, competition lives on at many price points, particularly for the hottest segments of the market, like two-bedrooms asking $2 million or less. But in the $5 million and up segment, buyers are “taking their time,” according to Compass’ Julia Hoagland. “Properties in this market sector still sell expeditiously if well-positioned,” she said. “However, multiple bid situations are less frequent and buyers in this market have the benefit of being thoughtful about their purchases.”

根据Compass房地产经纪公司的总裁Leonard Steinberg,在高档豪华的住家房屋市场情况大致都是这样。举个例子,最近Steinberg卖掉了位于曼哈顿下城的Mercer街158号的$3,750万的顶层豪华公寓,最初叫价是$4,200万。他说,“由于出价金额很高,人们也更慎重,买房子也做功课。这是第一次,我可以看到[市场]的平衡,我已经看到了根据现实的降价调整。”一些经纪人也表示对房地产市场了解的买家不能容忍超出市场价值的房屋。Brown Harris Stevens的合伙人Greg Roache说,“他们宁愿等到下一年,也不愿意给不太现实的卖家一个物超所值的价格。”

The same is true at the upper end of the luxury market, according to Compass President Leonard Steinberg. For example, Steinberg recently sold Bon Jovi’s penthouse at 158 Mercer Street for $37.5 million, down from the original asking price of $42 million. “With the volume of dollars at stake, people are more prudent about doing their homework. For the first time, I can see [the market’s] balance,” he said. “I’ve seen price reductions adjusted to reality. It’s people catching their breath.” Several brokers said savvy buyers simply won’t tolerate overpriced apartments under any circumstances. “They would rather wait until next year than give an unrealistic seller too big of a price,” said Brown Harris Stevens’ Greg Roache, who partners with Roger Gillen.

Warburg的Lisa Larson说今年春开始上东城有七套经典的公寓在市面上,你可以给买家看上个五六套公寓,和去年比起来可是多了很多。Larson 现在正帮助一个买家寻找第五大道上的八个房间的合作公寓,目前已经看到房屋价格有所回落,大约要价在$599.5万。她说,“如果出价在一开始就不符合市场价值,很难出售。这不是2007年了。”

Warburg’s Lisa Larson said several classic sevens on the Upper East Side sat on the market this spring. “You could show a buyer five or six apartments, which was a lot compared to the year before,” she said. Larson is representing one buyer who looked at an eight-room co-op on Fifth Avenue that’s seen several price drops, and is now listed at $5.995 million. “If it’s not priced properly in the beginning, it will not sell,” she said. “It’s not 2007.”

根据房地产评估公司Miller Samuel的数据, 总的来说,曼哈顿的房屋销售的中位价格在$98万,从第二季度以来上涨了7.7%,尽管销售数量回落了20%到2,674套公寓。在第二季度的三个月期间市面的房屋库存大约比同期上涨了1.3%有5,730套,而吸收率也上涨到25.5%到6.4个月。

Overall, Manhattan’s median sales price of $980,000 rose 7.7 percent during the second quarter, even as the number of sales dropped 20 percent to 2,674, according to real estate appraisal firm Miller Samuel. Listing inventory during the three-month period was 5,730, up 1.3 percent, while the absorption rate rose 25.5 percent to 6.4 months.

根据Corcoran Sunshine营销集团的数据,市场向买家倾斜是因为曼哈顿新的共有公寓涌现出来。今年有大约6,500套新公寓面世,去年只有2,500套在市面上。负责销售由Continuum公司开发的曼哈顿东22街45号83个新单位,Corcoran Sunshine的销售主管Jeannie Woodbrey说,买家有更多选择了,有更多楼盘上市,这些一直在等待的买家终于可以出手了。她说,新的开发项目也获得了市场份额。比如共有公寓现在也是占了整个曼哈顿房屋存储量的一半,也是自2010年以来占的最大的市场份额。“根据现在的新上市的楼盘,这种成长趋势还会在未来继续增长。”

Not surprisingly, one of the main factors shifting the balance in buyers’ favor is the influx of new condo inventory in Manhattan. There are roughly 6,500 new condos coming to market this year, up from 2,500 last year, according to Corcoran Sunshine Marketing Group. “Buyers have more choice in new development than they’ve had in years,” said Corcoran Sunshine’s Jeannie Woodbrey, who is the senior sales director at 45 East 22nd Street, an 83-unit tower being developed by Continuum Co. “With many of the anticipated towers across the city finally coming to market, those who have been waiting on the sidelines are finally ready to make a choice.” She added that new development is gaining market share. Condominiums now represent about half of all available inventories, the highest share since 2010, she said. That “growth trend will continue for the next couple of years, based on properties in the pipeline.”

Town Residential公司负责熨斗办公室的董事经理Ryan Fitzpatrick说,在买家中有一种看法,现在有更多房源,尽管现实中只有大约几千个新单位增加,高端房屋销售市场销售会放慢,但是总的来说有更多的供需平衡。然而,Warburg的Larson 说,$200万和以下的公寓是市面上最受青睐的。房源少所以竞争大。她说,“房源少,房屋从上市到签订合同的天数在整个春季销售季也下降, 但是需求仍然很高,开放参观房屋的时候仍然需要有一个红绳来控制看房者的流量。” 她还说,“夏季买房者减少,所以夏季是买房者的好时机,因为没有那么多人看房子。”

Town’s Ryan Fitzpatrick, who is managing director of the firm’s Flatiron office, said there is a perception among buyers that there is a lot more inventory, even though in reality, there are only a few thousand more new units. “This is doubtless contributing to the slower pace of sales at the highend,” he said. And, he added, “Overall there is more of a balance between supply and demand.” However, Warburg’s Larson said the market continues to favor sellers of properties $2 million and under, where inventory is limited and competition is as fierce as ever. “Inventory is low, the number of days it takes a listing to go into contract tumbled throughout the spring selling season, demand remained high and open houses still saw the need for a red velvet rope to control traffic,” she said. But, she said, during the summer months, there are fewer buyers hunting for apartments. “There’s always an opportunity for buyers in the summer,” she said, “because not as many people are looking.”

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