
2016年11月21日 剑桥考试语言辅导



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剑桥雅思 传播考试真理

We teach to achieve!


Part One

  1. Who do you live with?

  2. How long have you lived there?

  3. What do you like most about your hometown?

  4. Is there anything you dislike?

  5. What kind of painting do the Chinese like?

  6. Do you think arts classes are necessary? Why? Why not?

  7. What kinds of bags do you use in your every life?

  8. What do you put in these bags?

  9. How often do you read?

  10. What kind of people like\dislike reading?

  11. Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?

  12. Do you think celebrity's privacy should be protected?

  13. Do you often eat chocoate?

  14. When was the first time you ate chocolate?

  15. How do you spend time with your family?

  16. Do you want to live with them in the future?

  17. Do you prefer to read local newspapers or international ones?

  18. Do you think more people than today will read magazines in the future?

Part Two

1. describe a person who relocated his\her residence recently

2. describe time when you missed an important appointment

3. describe time when you needed to use your imagination

4. describe a place where you felt relaxed

5. describe a high building which you dislike\like in your hometown

6. describe an area of science you were interested in at school

7. describe an advertisement you saw recently

8. describe time when you prepared for a happy event

Part Three

1. Do people today like to move into a big house or small one?

2. Where do the old like to live, in a city or in the countryside? Why?

3. Is it important to be punctual in your country?

4. Why do most children have a wild imagination?

5. What can schools do to develop stuents' creativity?

6. What do the old do to relax?

7. To what places do the Chinese like to go at weekends?

8. Do you think it important to protect old buildings?

9. What  do the old buildings reflect?

10. What subjects do you think are important at school? Why?

11. What are the advantages of studying computing at school?

12. In what ways do advertisements catch viewers' attention/

13. Do you believe advertising online is influential? Why? Why not?

14. How do you suggest preparing an event well?

15. How should parents teach children some organizing skills?

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