
2016年12月06日 留学咨询分享平台

PTE口语中一共有5个题型,今天由小万来介绍PTE口语中的第二个题型Describe Image(DI).



1. 读图能力

2. 语言表达

3. 中高语速

答题思路: 把答案分为三大块,introduction, body 和 conclusion. 在40秒内完成5-6句话。

Introduction: 先给出主题句,一句话, 大致介绍下这幅图是描述什么的。

Main Body: 第二部分是主体部分, 描绘图中的主要特征,趋势和差别, 引入具体有代表性的数据,3-4句话左右。此部分一定要注意 不可以描绘每一个细节,因为时间有限,一定要总体把握,捡重点讲。

Conclusion: 最后一句话为结论句, 总结一下该图最明显特征,也可以预测下图标数据在未来的发展趋势。



  1. 一共三根线

  2. coast线持续上升

  3. lake线先上升再下降

  4. mountain线持续波动在20-40之间

  5. mountain和lake有相交的趋势




This graph illustrates the number of overseas visitors to the coast, mountain and lakes in a European country. (把三根线对应内容套入)


(1) The figure for the coast starts from 40. (如遇此类复杂图,描述起始点这句话可不用说)

The figure for the coast rises steadily to 75 in 2007 after a short decline. (先下降后上升)

(2)  The figure for the lakes rises significantly, reaching the peak at 75, and drops to 50 in 2007. (先上升后下降)

(3)  The figure for the mountains experienced fluctuation between 20 to 40 from 1987 to 2007. (上下波动)


Compared with the figure in 1987, the number of overseas visitors all increases in 2007. (描述时间段内总体趋势)



This line chart demonstrates the number of visitors from overseas visiting three different areas of a European country during the period between 1987 to 2007.


(1) The number of tourists to the coast grew gradually from 40 thousand in 1987 to 75 thousand in 2007.

(2) Compared to amount of visitors to the coast (关联词) , visitors to the lakes increased in a more rapid rate from 10 thousands in 1987 to the peak of 75 thousands in 2002, then it fell steadily to 50 thousands in 2007.

(3) In addition, the number of visitors to the mountains increased slightly from 20 thousand in 1987 to 35 in 2007 with fluctuation.


In conclusion, for most of the period, the coast remained the most popular tourist destination, in contrast, the mountains remained the least popular tourist spot. (总结)Furthermore, it is likely for the amount of visitors to the mountains and that to the lakes to be the same after 2007.(预测)

Warm tips

1. 注意PTE 的 introduction 句和雅思小作文不同, 可以直接套用标题, 不用做转述。

2. 切忌描述每一个细节,而忽略了图形重点.

3. 切忌纠结语言表达完美,用词单一不会成为扣分点,只会利于表达流畅度。


PTE 20种题型深度解析(一) 

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