简报: 美国在印度-太平洋地区的安全合作

2018年08月07日 美国驻华大使馆



简报: 美国在印度太平洋地区的安全合作

七十多年来,美国的接触参与促进了印度-太平洋地区(Indo-Pacific region)的自由、开放和繁荣。总统的国家安全战略(National Security Strategy)将促进印度-太平洋地区的自由开放定为我们最重要的事务之一。美国致力于确保海上和空中自由,推动市场经济,支持良好治理,不让主权国家受到外部胁迫,同时使伙伴国家能够保护和增进基于规则的秩序。在东盟地区论坛(ASEAN Regional Forum)8月4日会议上,蓬佩奥国务卿(Secretary Pompeo)宣布,准备提供将近3亿美元安全援助,增进整个印度-太平洋地区的安全关系。这项援助包括2.905亿美元外国军事资助(Foreign Military Financing),用以加强海上安全,人道援助/救灾以及维和能力;850万美元用于打击跨国犯罪的国际毒品和执法(International Narcotics and Law Enforcement)基金。在作出此项资金承诺不久前,蓬佩奥国务卿和本届政府其他高级官员在华盛顿(Washington DC)的印度-太平洋商务论坛(Indo-Pacific Business Forum)上宣布了新的经济和发展行动计划,表明了美国对印度-太平洋地区既在经济和安全交往,也在援助方面作出的强有力的整体政府承诺。



海事领域的自由与开放是印度-太平洋战略的一个基石,对美国国家安全至关重要。作为这项战略的一项内容,美国将与印度-太平洋地区各地伙伴一道努力,通过人控和无人空中系统提高有沿海雷达协助的海域察觉力(maritime domain awareness),建立用于快速展开人道援助/救灾行动的海事平台,增进信息交流机制以使安全和防务机构建立起行动层面的联系。

  • 东南亚和太平洋群岛:美国将与东南亚和太平洋伙伴一道努力,帮助这些国家有效监视其专属经济区(Exclusive Economic Zones),应对跨国威胁。援助将集中在提供培训和后勤支持,以增进海域觉察力和巡逻能力,同时发展专业化和维护保持力,协助伙伴国家发展防务和安全机构。

  • 孟加拉湾行动计划:孟加拉湾(Bay of Bengal)自然资源丰富,是连接印度洋(Indian Ocean)与东亚的咽喉航道之所在。美国目前与印度分享商业航运信息,并且将与孟加拉湾其他伙伴一道努力,其中包括孟加拉国和斯里兰卡,以提高印度洋地区民用和军用海事运作各方的能力,对新生威胁的识别、信息分享和反应等相关领域作出改进。


为预防和应对自然灾害作出努力将减少生命损失和灾难带来的经济后果。美国的人道援助/救灾支援将集中在提高搜救(Search and Rescue)能力,制定减少灾难风险战略,以及为在需要时提供短期解决办法提供后勤支持。





Fact Sheet: U.S. Security Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific Region

Fact Sheet
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
August 4, 2018

For more than seven decades, U.S. engagement has advanced freedom, openness, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. The President’s National Security Strategy identified advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific among our most important priorities. The United States aims to ensure the freedom of the seas and skies, promote market economics, support good governance, and insulate sovereign nations from external coercion, while enabling partners to protect and advance the rules-based order. At the ASEAN Regional Forum on August 4, Secretary Pompeo announced the intent to provide nearly $300 million in security assistance to improve security relationships across the Indo-Pacific region. This assistances includes $290.5 million in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) to strengthen maritime security, humanitarian assistance/disaster relief (HA/DR), and peacekeeping capabilities, and $8.5 million in International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INCLE) funds to counter transnational crime. This funding commitment comes shortly after Secretary Pompeo and other senior Administration officials announced new economic and development initiatives at the Indo-Pacific Business Forum in Washington DC, demonstrating a strong, whole-of-government U.S. commitment to both economic and security engagement and assistance in the Indo-Pacific.

The security assistance funding will cover projects in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, the Pacific Islands, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and others, in the following areas:

Maritime Security

Free and open access to the maritime domain is a cornerstone of the Indo-Pacific strategy and is essential to U.S. national security. As part of this strategy, the United States will work with partners across the Indo-Pacific region to develop coastal radar-enhanced maritime domain awareness (MDA) with manned and unmanned aerial systems, maritime platforms for rapid deployment of HA/DR efforts, and increased information sharing mechanisms to link security and defense institutions at the operational level.

  • Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands: The United States will work with partners in Southeast Asia and the Pacific to help nations successfully monitor their Exclusive Economic Zones and address transnational threats. Assistance will focus on training and logistical support to improve MDA and patrol capacity, as well as professionalization and maintenance capacity to assist partners in developing defense and security institutions.

  • Bay of Bengal Initiative: The Bay of Bengal is rich in natural resources and home to vital sea lanes linking the Indian Ocean region to East Asia. The United States currently shares commercial shipping information with India and will work with other partners in the Bay of Bengal, including Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to enhance the capacity of civilian and military maritime actors in the Indian Ocean Region to improve the target areas of detection, information-sharing, and response to emerging threats.

Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HA/DR) Assistance

Efforts to prepare for and respond to natural disasters save lives and reduce the economic consequences of such events. U.S. HA/DR support will focus on improving Search and Rescue capabilities, the development of disaster risk reduction strategies, and logistical support to provide short-term solutions in times of need.

Peacekeeping Operations

The Indo-Pacific countries are steady contributors to UN peacekeeping missions, with Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Fiji, and Nepal consistently among the top-ten troop-contributing countries. The United States will continue to work with partners in the Indo-Pacific to strengthen both regional and global peacekeeping capabilities and address critical mission shortfalls by focusing on the deployment of enabling capabilities.

Countering Transnational Crime

The United States will support regional efforts in South and Southeast Asia to counter transnational crime by strengthening border security to counter illicit trafficking of people, narcotics and goods; expanding security sector and law enforcement cooperation with emerging democracies; promoting safe and efficient commerce; and strengthening the rule of law to counter corruption.

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