
2015年12月14日 加拿大驻厦门贸易代表处

BC Tech Summit

Agenda Day 1

Sticky note 1 Daniel Muzyka

This session will explore how innovation and the high tech sector can help improve not only Canada's and BC's competitive position in Canada and the world, but also will explore what the various stakeholders, particularly our tech companies, need to do to be more competitive. As a country and province, we have some strengths in innovation that are unfortunately muted by our weaknesses. The discussion will draw on research by The Conference Board of Canada and its partner, the World Economic Forum.


Sticky note 2 Why BC

International companies, startups and large investors are choosing BC to build their operations. What is drawing them and what next?


Sticky note 3 Breakout 1 –Open source comes to HR Ambrosia Vertesi Ambrosia will share Hootsuite’s journey to “working out loud” and bringing open-source approaches to talent strategies. From #BSU to #BCorp, this session will cover how leading companies are introducing open-source approaches to HR. You will receive actionable resources that you to take back to your organization to put into action.

Ambrosia Vertesi女士将分享互随(Hootsuite)公司的“开放式工作”(working out loud)经历,以及在人才战略中采用的开源方法。从BSUBCorp,本环节涉及的议题将包括顶尖企业如何将开源方法引入人力资源部门。您将收获具有实际操作性的经营之道,在您所在的企业践行。

Sticky note 4 Breakout 2 –Capitalizing opportunities for BC Jill Earthy

Access to capital is essential for helping BC companies to grow. With various forms of capital available, this panel will share insights on the options available for companies at different stages of development including venture capital, angel investments, debt financing and the latest crowdfunding exemption.


Sticky note 5 Innovation showcase

Rapid Fire pitches by pre-selected BC companies representing each of the regions. Theaudience will use mobile voting to determine the winner


BC Tech Summit

Agenda Day 2

Sticky note 1 Age of Disruption –Are Canadian firms prepared?

A massive impact is unavoidable -The way Canadians live and work is about to change profoundly. Rapid advances in technology are poised


Sticky note 2 Minds & Machines: The next industrial revolution

The Industrial Internet is profoundly transforming global industry and infrastructure, connecting machines, big data analytics and people. By 2020, an estimated 50 billion machines will come online, boosting global GDP by as much as $15 trillion by 2030 through accelerated productivity growth. The modernization of industry is the biggest opportunity that exists today. Just 1% efficiency gains could equate to more than $150 billion dollars saved annually for industries like energy, transportation and healthcare. Elyse Allan, President & CEO of GE Canada will share global insights on the next generation of industrial progress and actions GE is taking to develop new opportunities.

互联网产业在根本上改变了全球工业和基础设施面貌,使机器、大数据分析和人力资源三者密切相连。到2020年,预计有500亿台机器将实现在线作业,这将使全球的GDP总量到2030年增长15万亿美元。目前存在的最大发展机遇是工业领域的现代化转型。在能源、交通和医疗保健等领域,效率每提高1%,每年就能节省1500多亿美元的开支。Elyse Allan女士,加拿大通用电气公司的总裁兼首席执行官,将分享对全球下一代产业发展的见解,以及通用公司为了抓住此番机遇而部署的举措。

Sticky note 3 Breakout 2 –Industrial Wearables: A case study

Over 2,500 people in North America alone are killed or injured in electricity related accidents each year. Proxxi is the story of collaboration between industry veterans and the innovation ecosystem to define a solution that will save lives.


Sticky note 4 Breakout 2 –Agritech –How technology will help feed 9 billion people

By the year 2050 there will be more than 9 billion people on the planet, consuming our finite resources of arable land, fresh water and the petroleum required throughout the value chain of production and beyond. Feeding those billions means finding sustainable methods to produce more food without putting more stress on the planet. The innovation and convergence of technology in agriculture promises to maximize productivity, minimize inputs and create greater value from the world's farmland. The adoption of agricultural innovation will enhance BC agricultural sector's competitiveness in the national and international markets. Innovators behind the breakthroughs discuss the state of the art today -and what we can expect tomorrow.




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