Is your mind as sharp as it used to be?

2015年12月27日 新西兰好健康

A lot of us have moments when we don’t feel as sharp as we used to. We forget things we would’ve previously remembered; places we’ve been to, people’s names or even where we put something. Sometimes words are on the tip of our tongue, but we just can’t quite bring it to the front of our mind!


Once in a while is normal, but when it becomes a regular occurrence and starts to affect people’s lives, it not only becomes frustrating, it can become a problem and needs to be addressed.


Research suggests that it’s more common for people from the age of around 45 to 65, particularly those who are in the workforce, to find themselves struggling to keep up with their younger work colleagues. Not grasping new concepts quite as quickly or having trouble remembering newly learned information (like a new computer program) where a younger person only needs to be shown things once and they remember it.


Whilst this can be justified as a normal part of ageing, could it also be the beginning of something more serious like Alzheimer’s.

Here are a few alarming statistics about brain health;

• Nearly 44 million people worldwide have Alzheimer’s or a related dementia.
• Only 1-in-4 people with Alzheimer’s disease have been diagnosed.
• Alzheimer’s and other dementias are the top cause for disabilities in later life.


Why are our memories getting worse?
Sometimes this can be due to the effects of stress or poor sleep and most of us, unfortunately, have probably had plenty of experience in this area. Genetics also plays a part, but diet and lifestyle are the most important factors that could be the missing link. Modern diets and lifestyle just aren’t giving us the same brain nutrients that we need.


Recommendations to help reduce the likelihood we will develop dementia:
• Don’t smoke 不吸烟
• Look after your heart – deal with high blood pressure/cholesterol

注意心脏健康 - 预防三高

• Be physically active 常运动
• Follow a healthy diet 注重健康饮食
• Keep brain active throughout life 多动脑

• Keep social engagement 保持社交

The importance of a healthy diet and brain nutrients


When we are in our teens or twenties we can generally get away with not eating healthy foods or having a healthy lifestyle, but once you get into your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s it can catch up with you; important brain nutrients start to decline and need to be replenished by eating better quality food and taking specific brain food supplements.


So what are these important brain nutrients?


The brain needs some quite specific nutrients to keep it functioning properly - without them – memory, mental sharpness, focus, concentration and general brain function all start to go haywire.


Phosphatidylserine(PS). Is naturally found in the brain but levels decline as we get older. PS increases the communication between your brain cells which is crucial to proper brain function.


DHA Fish Oil is another very important brain nutrient! The brain is made up of 60% fat and DHA is the most abundant fatty acid in the brain. DHA is vital for brain and eye development and maintenance right throughout life. Babies born with low levels of DHA test lower in IQ tests than babies with higher levels.

DHA鱼油是另一个非常重要的脑营养!人脑内是含60%的脂肪,DHA是大脑中最丰富的脂肪酸。 DHA对于大脑和眼睛的发育和维护不可或缺的。婴儿出生时DHA含量值高比DHA含量值低的婴儿更聪明。

Iodine – deficiency is associated with lower intelligence and learning disorders.

- 碘缺乏与较低的智力和学习障碍有关。

Vitamin B12 deficiency is commonly associated with neurological problems including memory loss & dementia. B12 absorption decreases as we age.


Folic acid – needed in the manufacture of brain neurotransmitters (the brain’s chemical messengers) responsible for memory, mental clarity, alertness and mood stability.

叶酸 - 叶酸负责脑神经之间的传递(大脑信差)负责记忆,头脑清晰,警觉性和情绪稳定的制造。

Good Health Mind Sharp contains phosphatidylserine, DHA, iodine, folic acid & Vitamin B12 to help support brain function and activity, clear thinking and mental sharpness.

好健康Mind Sharp聪慧胶囊含有磷脂,DHA,碘,叶酸和维生素B12,助于提升思维灵敏、加强记忆力、情绪平稳。

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