
2014年01月07日 英国留学

TESOL“Teaching Englishto Speakers of Other Languages”的缩写,中文翻译是对外英语教学。在美国的大学本部和研究所,像物理学,经济学等,TESOL是一门主修,其主题是探讨英语教学的方法和理论,提升英语教学的师资水平。TESOL证书作为一项国际英语教师的职业资格证书,已经被国际上80多个国家的5000多所学校认可,并在全世界拥有近百个团体会员和 14000多名专业人士。在北美、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰等英语国家,大部分学校和语言培训机构都认可TESOL证书。目前,已经有包括中国在内的80个国家和地区开设了TESOL课程。

  英语教学的对象依其母语可分成两群:英语是母语的人(如美国人,英国人,加拿大人)和英语非母语的人(如南美洲人,中国人,法国人)。 TESOL的教学对象是第二群。因为是对外,所以TESOL教学方法特别考虑到学习者的母语和文化背景。以中文教学做比喻,给一个在中国长大的孩子教中文和给一个在美国长大的孩子教中文,教学方法当然会是不一样。



  专业:TESOL   MA

Core Modules

·         Language for Teaching

·         Syllabus Design andAssessment

·         Language TeachingMethods and Practice.

Optional Modules

·         World Englishes

·         English for SpecificPurposes

·         ELT MaterialsDevelopment and Evaluation

·         Discourse Texts andTESOL

·         Language TeachingMethodology

·         Research Methods

·         Second LanguageAcquisition: Perspectives for Teachers

·         ELT Management

·         Teaching Young Learners

·         Pragmatics and theLanguage Classroom

  入学要求:IELTS 7.0 (no component under 7.0).



  专业:TESOL: Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages   MEd

Core courses

·         Language learning andapplications to the classroom

·         Descriptions of languageand applications to the classroom

·         Introduction toeducational and social research.

Optional courses

·         Course design andpractice in English language teaching

·         Sociolinguistics andlanguage teaching

·         Language proficiencyassessment and feedback

·         Phonetics and phonology

·         Discourse studies

·         Educational managementand leadership

·         Social, emotional andbehavioural difficulties

·         The education of highlyable pupils

·         Developing literacy

·         Modern educationalthought

·         Educational psychology

·         Advanced educationalresearch.

  入学要求:IELTS overall score 6.5no sub-test less than 6.0


  专业:Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)  MA

Core Modules

·         Developments in LanguageTeaching Methodology

·         Applied Linguistics forTESOL

Elective Modules

·         Current Issues in TESOL

·         Materials Evaluation andDesign

·         English for SpecificPurposes

·         Introduction to TeachingEnglish for Academic Purposes

·         Learner Autonomy

·         Learning to Train

·         Technology EnhancedLanguage Learning (TELL)

·         The Management of TESOL

Core Module

·         Dissertation


IELTS: 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any element)




    010-84987143  13240744280

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