Voices of Warwick第二期:Campus Development

2015年04月22日 英国华威大学


Campus is an integral part of the Warwick experience, but which buildings have been here the longest? In our second blog we give a rundown of the first 10 buildings to spring up on campus.



The establishment of the University of Warwick was given approval by the government in 1961 and received its Royal Charter of Incorporation in 1965. The City of Coventry and the County of Warwickshire brought the University of Warwick into being on a 400-acre site granted jointly between them. As the University extended its land holdings, acquiring Westwood and Cryfield, it also purchased the original buildings there. These buildings weren't new, but it seems a shame to miss them out, so we'll start our rundown with a 0!


0a) Original Cryfield

Acquired by Warwick at its foundation, the buildings at Cryfield have a long history stretching back over 300 years. Records show that Cryfield Grange Farm and its outbuildings were originally built in 1639. What is now established as the Vice-Chancellor's house, together with its farm and outbuildings, were built in 1760. Cryfield now hosts student accommodation, the Cryfield Centre and sports pitches.


0b) Original Westwood
The site which is north of the main campus was originally the Coventry College of Education until its merger with the University in the mid-seventies. The buildings that are now the Post Room, halls of residence and social buildings, Warwick print and the music centre on Westwood’s triangular campus were built throughout the 1950s.


1) Rootes Social Building

The Rootes Social Building was opened in 1966, one of four buildings first erected on the main campus. It was a large area which was christened the “Airport Lounge” once students discovered that the design was very similar to that of Newcastle Airport. General Students Union meetings were held here, as it was the one large space on campus. It is now the home of the Rootes Learning Grid, restaurant, bar and conference facilities. Radio Warwick was launched in 1971 and the studios were situated in a wooden hut behind Rootes.

Rootes Social 大楼于1966年建成开放,也是主校区最早建成的四幢建筑之一。学生发现它的造型和纽卡斯尔机场的候机厅设计如出一辙,于是起名为“候机厅”。鉴于这里是全校最大的场地之一,学生会的会议都在这里举行。现在这里容纳了Rootes Learning Grid, 餐厅、酒吧和会议场地。华威大学广播台于1971年开始广播,他们的录音室就在Rootes后面的一栋小木屋里。

2) Benefactors Hall

In 1988, Helen Martin, sister of Warwick benefactor Jack Martin was revealed as a prolific Warwick anonymous benefactor following her death. Her donations enabled the construction of Benefactors Hall in 1966, a residence specifically for American students. She also enabled Anglo-American student exchanges, an American travel fund, and the creation of the Arts Centre and Jack Martin Residences.

1988年,Helen Martin被发现是华威大学匿名的捐助者之一,他也是华威大学极为有名的捐助者Jack Marin的姐姐。正是受惠于她的出资,Benefactors学生宿舍于1966年得以兴建,主要是美国学生使用。她同时推动了英美学生交换项目,美国旅行经费的实现,华威艺术中心的创建,以及Jack Martin宿舍的修建。

3) Science Block

Opened in 1966, the Science Block originally housed Maths and Chemistry (or Molecular Sciences). When Physics moved to its new premises, a Department of Biology was also founded in the building by Professor Derek Burke in 1969, who remembers, “There were no other staff, there was no equipment, and there was not a test tube in the building, not a single piece of equipment. And we had a year before teaching started to get an undergraduate course together.”

科学大楼建于1966年,最早是数学和化学(分子科学)的教学楼。随着物理学院迁址,1969年Derek Burke教授创建了生命科学学院。他回忆说“当时没有其他教职员工,没有设备,甚至连试管都没有。我们花了一年的时间去筹备本科课程。“

4) Library

By 1965 the library had already acquired around 45,000 books, and a Library to house them was opened in 1966. Arthur Lyons, a master's student at the time, recalls how interesting it was to see the library being built, especially when all the white tiles that were on the external wall started falling off. “Bearing in mind the vintage, the 1960s, it was certainly trendy architecture to have white tile buildings….but we were certainly surprised it started falling down.”


5) Boiler House

The boiler plant was built in 1966 to heat, light and power the whole main campus site. In 2013 the original was replaced by a new high efficiency plant, upgrading and modifying the existing pipework, water treatment and pressurisation systems.


6) Rootes Residences A – L and M – P

The first halls of residence were named after Lord Rootes, chairman of the promotion committee which founded the University. Rent was originally £4.82 per week! Alan Phillips, Physics student and Student Union president (‘68-‘69) remembers that small common rooms in Rootes became popular social areas when they were adapted to become common rooms as the kitchens were extended. These were essential in the days before many social spaces were available on campus.

最初建造的学生宿舍以Lord Rootes的名字命名,他是华威大学创建时期的委员会主席。当时的房租只要每周4.82英镑!当时的学生会主席Alan Phillips回忆说,Rootes的公共休息室是大家聚会的最佳选择。

7) Physics

The new Physics building was built in 1966 and Queen Elizabeth II opened it in the summer of 1970, when it relocated from its temporary lodgings at the East Site. There were joint courses with Mathematics, Chemistry and Engineering as well as Physics degrees. Another “Physical Sciences” block was opened in 1971 and now houses the Centre for Fusion Space and Astrophysics, Theory and Astronomy groups.


8) Maths Research Houses

The Maths Research houses are located on the Gibbet Hill campus, and were constructed between 1968 and 1969. These curvilinear buildings were built to house visiting mathematicians and their families. Designed by architect Bill Howell, in collaboration with founding Mathematics Professor Sir Christopher Zeeman, they introduced blackboards to line the walls of these homes.

数学研究住所坐落于Gibbet Hill校区,建造于1968-1969年。这些环形组成的楼宇是为了招待访问大学的数学家和他们的家人。数学学院创立者Christopher Zeeman教授和建筑师Bill Howell共同设计了这些住所,并且在这些房屋里安装了黑板供数学家演算用。

9) Humanities Building

The current Humanities building was originally named the Arts Building when it was built and opened in 1970. The 1973-1974 prospectus boasted a photograph of “The courtyard of the Arts Building” on its cover. It was extended to house the Department of Psychology in 1982.


10) Sports Centre 1971

When Warwick was founded the most popular sport was said to be tiddlywinks, since there weren't any sports facilities. They were developed over the next two or three years and the University Sports Centre was eventually completed in 1971. The centre now boasts a Climbing Centre and Bouldering Room, squash courts, gym, strength and conditioning facilities and a swimming pool.


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