
2018年11月05日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中


Changchun Experimental High School International Division always concentrates on cultivation of talents who have their own distinct personalities and the academic achievements for a student can also show his or her personal competence. Extra curriculum classes like IELTS and French are also available, through which students can enhance their English and their critical thinking can also be boosted.


With the combined efforts from all teaching staff and students, some students achieved high scores of 7 for IELTS. It is such of a great honor for us to have this interview with Benny from 12A, who will share his experience on IELTS learning.


Tim: Hello Benny. We have already heard that you are excellent in your English and do well in all subjects. Could you please share with us that how you polish your English up in your daily life?

 答:平时,无论是中教或者外教课上都是认真听课 ,做好每一个学科的笔记,这一点很重要,课堂活动时我总是多跟外教交流。课下多复习笔记,回顾老师课上内容。我在课程之后,我总会利用空闲时间多背单词,多听英语听力,多做阅读。

Answer: Well, there are two key points. First is notes-taking, and second is review what you have learned after class. I also build up vocabulary during my spare time. Of course, IELTS listening and reading should be also put equal emphasis.     


Tim: So, what is the prime time for a student to start their IELTS?


Answer: In my opinion, the second year in high school is the best time to prepare for IELTS. What I learned in class is not so tough for you, so I have sufficient time to prepare for IELTS.

主持人: 你觉得雅思考试中哪个部分是最难的?

Tim: Which section in IELTS for you is the most difficult?


Answer: To be honest, writing. Each time, I could not get an immediate idea on how to organize the essay.


Tim: Do you have some experience to share with us about IELTS?


Answer: Just stay calm and find your own way. That’s it.


Tim: Do you think mastering English is important to you and that English will benefit you when you study abroad?


Answer: Yes, really really important, you will save much time and have more time to experience social life in Canada.


Tim: How many universities have you applied for? And which one is your favorite?


Answer: Six. University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, McGill university, University of Melbourne, University of Alberta, and Dalhousie University. I harbor greatest interests on University of Waterloo because its Computer Science is amazing.


Tim: Do you have any suggestions for Grade10 and 11 students?


Answer: Try to improve your scores for any subjects. And you really need to master computer skills, such as PowerPoint, Word and Excel. It can directly help you with your campus life. They are practical.


Tim: Thank you for your time. Hope you will enjoy your high school life here and have a bright future ahead!




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