
2015年09月02日 加拿大留学资讯


据科技媒体Tech Republic报道称,虽然iPad仍是平板电脑行业的领头羊,占据了平板总销量的24.5%,但其市场份额在过去的几年内下跌了约18%。自去年以来,三星的平板电脑销量下降了12%,而且平板电脑市场整体萎缩了7%。



当iPad Mini于2012年11月问世时,它被誉为市场上最好的平板之一。然而,赛巴特认为,消费者购买平板时考虑的更多的是价格因素而不是性能,而且他们主要用iPad进行一些惰性活动,例如看视频和上网,而不是把它当做“苹果所鼓吹的提升生产效率和进行内容创作的工具”。




Although the iPad is the current leader in the tablet market, accounting for 24.5% of all tablet sales, its market share has consistently decreased by about 18% over the last few years, Tech Republic reports. Samsung’s tablet sales decreased by 12% from last year, and the market as a whole shrank by 7%.

“We have gotten to the point that the status quo will likely lead to the iPad and the modern-day tablet becoming irrelevant over time,” analyst Neil Cybart writes. As advancements in Apple’s iPhones and MacBooks continue apace, consumers are much more likely to choose one of those devices over an iPad.

About 3 million units of the original iPad are still in use. These devices are slow, heavy, and they’re screens are not as good as those found on iPhones or MacBooks.

When the iPad Mini was released in November 2012, it was deemed one of the best tablets on the market. But consumers are more likely to buy a tablet based on price rather than how well it operates, and they’re often used for passive activities like watching videos and surfing the web instead of the “productivity and content creation tools Apple has been marketing,” Cybart speculates.

Cybart is skeptical that tablet users will upgrade a device that they’re just using to watch Netflix. Despite the skepticism, Apple AAPL 0.70% hasn’t given up on tablets, as it works to make the iPad more work-friendly.

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