
2016年05月07日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中



May 5th,over 20 students in G10 and G11 took part in the audition of the 3rd Lord of the Ring Competition .The judges were Colin,Jeremy and Angie.The students went into the room one by one and gave their speeches to the judges.Although they prepared a lot ,this mode of audition made them a little bit nervous.Most worthy of mention was that they tried to do their best.

经过1个小时的选拔评分后,共有10名同学进入到了复赛当中,他们分别是10年级A班的牟九洲,夏铭一,十年级B班的周勃 张琴 朱师泽 马鸣蔚 赵奕嵩,十一年级的韩萧 王敬淇 于航。希望他们能够好好准备即将在5月17日举行的指环王演讲比赛复赛,发掘自己的潜力也能在比赛中发挥自己的实力,挑战自己,冲击决赛。加油!

After almost 1 hour,all the students finished their speeches,10 of them will get into the semi-finals.They are William,Sphoia in G10A,Wendy,Kylin,Evan,Vincy,Tyler in G10B,Michael,Simon,Ruby in G11.Congratulations!Hope you can have a good preparation for the semi-finals of the lord of ring which will start on May 17.Just challenge yourself !


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