
2018年12月02日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中


In recent years, under the guidance of the personalized training concept for students philosophy of Zhang Tong, principal of Changchun Experimental High School, director May of International Division, leads all Chinese and foreign teaching staffs to organize a variety of activities, build platforms, through which students capabilities are greatly enhanced. It is hoped that students can cultivate and develop their own interests from learning and their interests will further promote learning. Students will thus find their own strong points and strengthen their self-confidence. The Voice singing competition is a perfect expression of this. Well prepared by all teachers and students, the forth Voice singing competition was kicked off at 2 p.m., November 30, 2018 with the witness of all teachers, students, and parents.


At the beginning of the activity, video played on the screen showed the expectation of the teachers for the contestants and players gained a lot of confidence. This was followed by another video, recording the whole process of singing competition,  from mass selection, semi-finals to finals, from which the singers singing strength is shown.


Then, Principal Chad delivered a speech. He hoped that contestants need not care the results too much and they should enjoy the process of singing and they are brave to stand on the stage. 


In line with the principle of fairness, publicity, and justice The Discipline Inspection Department of Student Council, asked  the contestants to draw lots to decide the order of the first round.

The voice finals are divided into two rounds. In the first round, eight contestants sang with their partners, and the judges scored each one in turn. The scoring method is to remove the highest score and lowest score respectively and take the average score of the remaining scores. The top three groups with the highest scores will compete for the championship.

第一轮的参赛选手和帮唱嘉宾分别为:12年级B班的JaneMercury12年级A班的JeniferChristine, 11年级B班的AlexJaden, JessieJodie, Biba和导师Matthew, HarveyKrystal, 10年级A班的SandyLink10年级B班的Shiny.


In the first round of the competition, the singers and their partners are Jane and Mercury from Class B, Grade 12, Jenifer and Christine from Class A, Grade 12, Alex and Jaden, Biba and Matthew, Harvey and Krystal from Class B, Grade 11, Sandy and Link from Class A Grade 10 and Shiny from Class B, Grade 10. After introduction of team mentors and their players, the game began. On the stage, the players and their partners played at their best. The atmosphere pushed to the climax gradually with constant applause from the audiences.



11年级B班Jessie 和Jodie

11年级B班Harvey 和Krystal

11年级B班Alex 和 Jaden11年级B班Biba和 导师Matthew

10年级A班 Sandy和Link


第一轮的比赛结束,主持人宣布了进入第二轮比赛的选手。选手们再次进行了抽签, 并按照本次抽签顺序进行了第二轮比赛的冠军角逐。

At the end of the first round, the host announced the contestants who had entered the second round. The contestants drew lots again. The second round of the competition was held in the same order.

随后是三位嘉宾的献唱,第一位是来自11年级B班的Vera同学,献唱法语歌曲。法语是我们国际部本学期新增开设的课程,学生们通过学习法语,了解西方文化,增加语言技能;第二位献歌嘉宾Richel是一名真正的歌手,她的一首英文歌曲欢快悠扬,现场气氛活跃;第三位嘉宾是国际部外教MariaVal,他们现场弹唱,给学生们展示了教学以外的另一面,大家都一饱耳福。 他们为晋级总决赛的选手们缓解了紧张的情绪,更加活跃了现场的气氛。

This was followed by the singing of three guests. The first was Vera from Class B, Grade 11, who sang a French song. French is a new course offered by International Division this semester, Students learn French, understand Western Culture and increase language skills. The second guest, Richel, is a professional singer, Her English song is cheerful and melodious and the atmosphere is active. The third guests are foreign teachers of International Division, Maria and Val, who sang with guitar playing. Everyone enjoyed a lot from that. They eased the tension for the finalists and made the scene more lively.


After that, hosts announced the candidates who can participate in the second round. The players once again drew lots and competed in the second round of the championship in accordance with the order of the draw. The players performed their best in the finals.


The performance from Matthew was gorgeous and gave a relax for candidates. The atmosphere was eased , and then the atmosphere reached a peak with the final coming.

最后,令人激动的决赛落下了帷幕,Jessie获得了冠军,Alex同学获得亚军,Jane同学获得了季军。由Chad校长和嘉宾Richel, Cherryl Rose为他们颁发了奖杯,奖状,鲜花。恭喜三位同学在比赛中取得的名次!祝贺他们!

Finally, the most exciting final came to a close. Jessie was the winner. Alex and Jane took the second and third place respectively. Chad and guests Richel, Cherryl and Rose awarded them with trophies, certificates of merit and flowers. Congratulations to the three students who have won the top three places in the competition! Congratulations!


Thanks to the voice of the contestants to bring us a shock of auditory enjoyment. Thanks to all the members of the English group, as well as the teachers and students who worked hard and arranged for this activity in front of the stage and behind the scenes.


Thank you all for providing students such an important platform to show themselves and exercise themselves. Hope the students learn more things in the competition, enjoy the whole process.


Let’s look forward to the next voice activity!



Edited by Study Department of Student Council

校对:Croft Gail

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