官方声明 | We Welcome You!

2018年11月28日 金吉列英国留学那些事儿


作为英国年度最国际化的大学 (The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019),诺丁汉大学对全球150多个国家和地区(包括所有来自中国大陆、香港、澳门和台湾)的国际留学生表示热烈的欢迎。


正如诺丁汉大学校训所示:Sapientia urbs conditur - 城市建于智慧之上,我们诚挚期待世界各国的“智慧”能汇聚在诺丁汉。



As The Times and Sunday Times International University of Year 2018/19, the University of Nottingham offers the warmest welcome to Chinese students. We are committed to recruiting and developing the best student talent worldwide, and students from over 150 different countries are currently studying with us.

As a global university and member of the prestigious Russell Group, we of course expect the highest standards of entry into our globally diverse community. Through travel to an expanding number of Chinese cities, our staff actively encourage talented students to seek entry to, and develop themselves at, a world top 100 university.

As our University motto denotes, Sapientia urbs conditur - a city is built on wisdom, and we welcome this wisdom from all countries across the globe.

 External Relations Office

University of Nottingham

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