
2017年11月03日 美国驻华大使馆




#美中关系# 八十年代,高级别交流对发展美中关系继续发挥重要作用。 罗纳德·里根总统和赵紫阳总理都在1984年进行了海外访问。他们的努力重申了美中两国的承诺,加深了彼此的关系。

#MeiZhongGuanxi: Ronald Reagan in China

In the 1980s, high-level exchanges continued to play a significant role in developing U.S. –China ties.  President Ronald Reagan and Premier Zhao Ziyang both made overseas visits in 1984.  Their efforts reaffirmed the commitment between the United States and China and deepened the relationship. 

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