【最新商业】Riccarton区Blenheim大路边汽车旅馆毗邻建地2块 位置优越 前景广大

2017年11月20日 新西兰芳地产




Riccarton区Blenheim大路边汽车旅馆毗邻建地2块  位置优越 前景广大

316&318 Blenheim Road, Upper Riccarton

位于基督城交通枢纽Blenheim路北侧,地理位置优越,到CBD仅数分钟车程,距国际机场不到15分钟,其附近区域为著名的繁华商业区,餐馆、商店、超市、购物中心、火车站等商业服务设施均近在咫尺。土地面积分别为520m2 及 809m2。






7 Units Motel Development in Great Location

316 Blenheim Road, Upper Riccarton

Superbly located on the northern side of Blenheim Road which is a Major Arterial road in Christchurch, just minutes' drive from CBD and easy access to the airport, and close to restaurant, shops, food store, The Warehouse, Railway station, Westfield Shopping Centre and other commercial facilities and services.Superbly located on the northern side of Blenheim Road which is a Major Arterial road in Christchurch, just minutes’ drive from CBD and easy access to the airport, and close to restaurant, shops, food store, The Warehouse, Railway station, Westfield Shopping Centre and other commercial facilities and services. The site currently houses a single  residential dwelling.

Resource consent has been granted for the construction of 7 and 12 motel units with associated car parking, landscaping, outdoor advertising, and manager’s unit.

The motel will encompass a two-storey building, located on the northern half of the site. The managers unit will be located on the ground floor, fronting the street. Four of the units have two bedrooms and the other three units are single room units. All units have bathroom and kitchen facilities. The managers unit includes two bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen and living area as well as indoor storage and an outdoor living area.

The building will have a Gross Floor Area of is 408m2 and 809m2, the maximum building height is proposed to be 7.3m. Vehicle access to the site will be provided to Blenheim Road. A total of 7 parking spaces are proposed, including one disabled space and one space for the managers unit. A 2.4m2 free standing sign will be provided along the Blenheim Road frontage of the site.

Main road location, huge potential, this is a golden investment opportunity.

By Negotiation.





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