Congratulations | Graduation Dinner恭喜我校第一届高三毕业生!毕业晚宴圆满落幕

2017年07月07日 合肥加拿大国际学校

Congratulations to the graduates of 2017, our first graduating class in school history—Soonchan Kwon and Jordan Thompson. The ceremony was held on June 14th at the CISH auditorium and was followed by the Graduation Dinner at the Wanda Vista Hotel. 

恭喜本校有史以来第一届的毕业班学生,2017届的毕业生-- Soonchan Kwon 和 Jordan Thompson. 毕业典礼在6月14日CISH报告厅内举行,紧接着的是当天晚上在万达文华酒店举行的毕业晚宴。

Ms. Liu Hengyi, an international reporter and broadcaster, gave the address to graduates. Soonchan gave the Valedictions and Jordan delivered the Salutation. The Master of Ceremonies were Mrs. Peggy Gorman-Mitchell, Head of School, and Mr. Ernest Wasson, Vice-Principal. Madame Du Juan, Executive Director, represented the AKD Board.

我们荣幸的邀请到了国际新闻记者,广播主持人 Liu Hengyi女士为我们在毕业典礼上致辞。Soonchan同学进行了告别演讲,Jordan同学在典礼开始时致问候辞。毕业典礼由校长 Peggy Gorman-Mitchell女士和副校长Ernest Wasson先生共同主持。本校的执行董事杜鹃女士代表AKD集团董事来参加了我们的毕业典礼。

Soonchan was awarded the Birk’s Medal for school leadership and the Governor General’s Award, for the graduate with the highest academic average. Jordan received the Teachers’ Award of Excellence, given to the graduate who demonstrates exceptional school spirit and involvement with school activities.



Soonchan will attend the University of British Colombia  to pursue a Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering. Jordan will attend the University of Melbourne for a Bachelor of Design in Architecture. 


Best of luck to both our exceptional graduates.


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