How you feel about yourself impacts your success in life? 成功内驱力

2019年03月05日 合肥加拿大国际学校

Positive Speech from Dr. Mary Naples on Wellness Day

Before coming to CISH for my second career, I earned a Ph.D. in Family Therapy and worked in the field of mental health field for twenty years. During the Annual Wellness Event, I had the opportunity to present to our students. Following are some highlights from my presentation.



The most important thing I learned my former clients is "the way you feel about yourself determines how you interact in the world and how successful you will be."


The negative talk we communicate to our self affects the way we feel and think about our person. For example, when you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror to see a pimple. What do you do?  Do you tell yourself negative things, such as "I look ugly." These negative conversations with ourselves influence our thoughts and result in negative feelings about ourselves. 


The way we look can affect how we feel about ourselves, but it is not the most important thing. Embracing who you are as a person is critical for a positive self-image. Seeing yourself as an individual other will respect also influences our self-image. The way we think and present ourselves is the way others will treat us. Our thoughts are who we are. It is essential to stop saying negative things to yourself about yourself. Be your own best friend. 


We can be our harshest critic. We can be harder on ourselves than anyone else will ever be with us. This behavior sabotages our self-esteem. It is so important to love ourselves and to accept that we are not perfect. No one is perfect.


If you are always comparing yourself to others, you will never feel good about yourself. It is crucial to value who we are. Be your person because there is no one else like you in the world. You are unique, and no one else exists in the world who is just like you. You are unique and special. 

Who you select as your friends also define who you are. They influence how you feel about yourself and how you will treat others. 


Academic health is about achieving success in school. When a student is not doing their homework nor studying and receives a poor result, they must admit to themselves the reason why this occurred. One of the most challenging things is to put up the mirror and take an honest look at oneself, but we need to do this at times to understand what we need to change. Admitting and making a plan for what you will do differently will bring results. Beating yourself up by making negative comments or finding excuses will not. Making the required effort to be successful develops positive academic Wellness. Beating yourself up is not the answer but learning from your mistakes will make a difference! 

学业健康是指在学校里取得成功。如果学生不做作业,不学习,成绩不好,那学生得思考这些事情发生的原因。其中最具有挑战性的事情是,站在镜子前,坦诚的看着自己,有时候我们确实需要这样做,这样我们才能明白自己为什么需要改变。 接受自己,并为自己要做的事情制定计划,都会给自己带来好的改变。负面评价自己,找借口,自责则不会。努力获得成功会让自己获得学业健康。不自责,并且能从错误中吸取教训意义重大。

Parents, your role is to love your child as they are and to guide them to be better people. It means accepting your children are in the stage of development. Your role is to teach how to develop into happy, healthy, successful adults. When you do too much for your children, when they can do for themselves, what you communicate is "I do not trust you can do it." You want to communicate to your children "I believe in you. I know you can do this, but it is not always easy."

家长们的责任就是爱自己孩子本来的样子,并引导他们成为更好的人。这意味着接受正在成长的孩子。家长的责任是让孩子成为快乐,健康,成功的人。有时你为孩子做的太多,当孩子可以自己做事情的时候,你不相信他们能做到,这当然是不对的,你应该跟他们说 “我相信你。 我知道你可以做到,即使过程会很艰辛。“

And remember your children will do as you do not as you say. So please be aware of your behavior. If you are always on your phone or your computer what is this behavior communicating? 

I am from the United States. US parents are very concerned about their children and adolescents. They are dealing with many social concerns, such as drug abuse and addiction, which China's parents are not experiencing. I ask you to embrace your children because you have great children! You've sent them to a school and teachers who are committed to developing students who are capable of thinking for themselves. Parents, you have done a great job but remember your children are not perfect. They are growing, changing and learning every day. They will develop into successful adults with your guidance. Be patient and consistent.


Thank you and be well!


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