
2015年01月31日 无忧小雅哥



It is now possible forscientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as SouthPole. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

With globalization and technological advancement, the worldhas become a smaller place. This is truefor travellers and scientists alike, both ofwhom can now reach the most isolated and remote areas of the planet. Personally, I think the knowledge and experiencesgained outweigh damage to those areas, so long asprecaution is taken to preserve them.

To begin, humanshave undoubtedly affected natural environments. The way people affectnature can be evidenced bythe reintroduction of wolvesinto Yellowstone National Park in the United States. After being reintroduced,the wolves, which were hunted out of the area bypeople, actually brought back water, plant life and biodiversity to the area,simply by restoring thenatural order of the ecosystem. People had negativelyimpacted the environment, and the ability to reach otherremote ecosystems could lead to adverse effects onpreviously untouched and pristine environments.

Despitethe risk, valuable knowledge canbe gained from studying remote areas. Scientists have been able to generateadvances in the world by reaching remote habitats. One such example is the use of bat droppings,typically found in hard to reach caves, to producefertilizer. Otherwise, more informationis being unlocked about thepast through discoveries made in ice glaciers, which were toodangerous to explore in the past.

Moreover, exploringthe outdoors can be exhilarating. Seeingincredible landscapes and enjoying the wilderness can bea great source of joy. Reachinglocations where few have stood before has alwaysbeen recognized throughout history. Sir Edmund Hillary isfamously known for being the first person to summit Mt.Everest, a feat that still inspires awe in many. Personally, one of my greatest accomplishments wasthe completion of an 800-kilometre hiking trail through remote mountains.

In my opinion, the great outdoorsare a playground that is meant to be explored,but needs to be preserved. Access toremote areas is a good thing; people just need to take care to protect theenvironment. Often times, removingbias from human interaction is necessary for properscientific studies.

In conclusion, people canhave a huge impact on the environment, butas long as precaution is taken, accessingremote locations can bring happiness to travellers andknowledge to society through science.


「☆小作文☆」Some people believe too much attention and resources are given to protect wild animals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

「☆大作文☆」~ Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given to protect wild animals and birds, to what extend do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

雅思直播2015.01.31参与直播回复 「21」

第一批滚出来的考生。运气不错。不是新题。第一部分就是常规的part 1问题。个人信息问题,还有关于书写的问题。nature。 第二部分是你等待的某个经历。小问题是 when, where,why wait. 第三部分是关于patient的问题。能忍受等待多久。会不会发脾气。身边有没有经常迟到的朋友,有没有什么解决办法之类的。祝大家好运!

part 1 name, building, shoes.part 2 describe a time you had to be friendly to someone you dont like. 這題目好難。。。很難講誒!

考完咯。part1 clothes, study, work. Part 2 describe a good leader 一月份的新题,好在看到过,准备过 偷笑ing

算第一批考的,果真比之后考的好多了。不用在等待的时候那么紧张了。p1 room, apaprtment.leisure time. p2 an important job in your country. 我说的是医生,所以说part 3就是围绕着医生说的。考医生难不难,怎么样的人才能考到医生。医生的职业道德之类的问题。反正感觉就是考官随机出的题目。她听到哪里想到哪里就问什么。祝大家好运。

小雅哥也来凑个热闹~学生回忆:Part 2 what ambition u have? Why u have this ambition? Have u achieved yet? Why u haven’t achieve ur ambition? Part 3 u think kids should have embition? What embition kids have?还没有考口语的小伙伴们加油哦~



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