听无忧小雅哥亲自讲解6.25A类范文~ 内附音频哦~

2016年06月29日 无忧小雅哥

2016.06.25 A类Task 2范文

Some people think that it is more important to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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The debate on whether prioritising the use of funds to promote healthy ways of living as a way to prevent disease or to spend it on treating those who are ill-stricken is a difficult one. I personally feel that whilst both are important, it would be better for future generations to promote health.

On the one hand, expenditure to encourage the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to avoid sickness can benefit the next generation. The Better Health Channel in Victoria, for instance, is a government-funded initiative that in the recent years have increasingly promoted the message of a balanced diet as well as sufficient exercise as a way to prevent illness. Schools around Victoria have “Better Health Channel” posters that promote healthy-living messages as well as the importance of immunisations against diseases like Chickenpox and Tetanus. As a result, children nowadays have more understanding of preventing illness and eating well.

On the other hand, spending public money to treat those who are already sick is also the Government’s obligation for the wellbeing of its country’s citizens. As urbanisation and globalisation increases, so do the risks of attracting illness like cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. Medicare, for instance, is available to Australian permanent residents and citizens to have access to quality health care to treat these issues at a basic level. The absence of this would therefore result in a lot of terminally ill patients, many of whom can be potentially rehabilitated and saved.

In conclusion, I personally believe from the above that whilst treating illnesses is a must, there is a limited capacity for governments to prolong the life of people, especially if they are terminally ill. It is thus more important to focus on prevention of illness for future generations to come.



无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts

悉尼无忧雅思姐 mrs_51ielts

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