
2016年08月01日 无忧小雅哥

2016.07.30 ATask 2 范文

Many people say the gap between rich and poor people is wider, as rich people become richer and poor people grow poorer. What problems could this situation cause and what measures can be done to address those problems?

【上周的考题真的是非常的不难哦!~^_^ 考试的同学是不是都有爽到了呢?而且考题的话题类型就这样提前出现在墨尔本无忧雅思的预测中!看过预测的同学们,提前准备相关话题的同学们都爽翻啦!言归正传,回到这道问题上,这道题目的问法很常规,题目的背景和statement也属于特别简洁明了,并没有什么陷阱。所以,这次如果大家还有写偏题,可就真的不应该了哦!如果对于审题有疑惑有疑问,可以随时联系墨尔本无忧雅思答疑哦!每周四墨尔本校区都有与无忧小雅哥面对面的免费答疑活动哦!详情在最后~

There is growing discussion that the gap between the wealthy and the impoverished is growing increasingly, with the rich becoming more well-off and leaving the poor with even less. This issue has resulted in increased social problems like political unrest, and the best way forward is to have more stringent taxation rules.

A wide income gap is problematic in society as it fosters social concerns that can result in political unease. From health-related diseases like obesity to increased crime rates, these matters have been especially prevalent in developing countries today. For instance, income inequality in Malaysia has resulted in the growing number of homeless people due to unaffordable housing, increased health issues due to rising costs of food and health care, which have in turn resulted in political tension and violent riots between the rich and the poor in the recent years. Hence, wealth concentration is a strong cause for social problems.

The best ways to narrow income gaps are to reinforce progressive taxation. By being more stringent with taxing people according their income, governments are able to allocate taxed funds to invest in helping those who are less-fortunate whether in terms of education, healthy or employment opportunities. For example, Centrelink which is a government program in Australia delivers a range of government payments to the unemployed, students, and disabled people which should be emulated in other countries. In turn, this may help foster the economy in the long term to bring economic and social gain not only to the poor, but also to the rich.

In conclusion, the points above have discussed a wide spectrum of social problems that can be caused by income gaps. It is up to governments to allocate proper funding in tax money to help the narrow this gap.

【这篇文章作者用了一些稍难的词汇,但是这些难词并不是格格不入的,而是用的恰到好处。比如说,political unrest/unease, 再比如emulate(模仿)等等。无忧小雅哥和悉尼雅思姐并不是鼓动大家一味的使用大词难词,而是要熟悉每个词汇的搭配以及常规用法,并不是中文能够搭得上,英文也一定是正确的哦!这一点各位小烤鸭们要尤其注意。在平时批改作文的过程中,都能发现烤鸭们用了一些对于native speaker来说非常奇怪”“不明所以的搭配,这样是很影响LR的分数的哦!





PTE周末/平时强化班循环 开课,雅思5分班每周分Level开课





无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts

悉尼无忧雅思姐 mrs_51ielts

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