第六届China Voice全国英语大赛安徽赛区总决赛获奖名单出炉啦!

2016年01月15日 合肥加拿大国际学校

2016年1月9号,第六届China Voice全国英语大赛安徽赛区总决赛在合肥高新中加学校举行,来自全省近500名参赛选手齐聚我校激烈角逐。选手们自信阳光各显身手,在比赛中大放异彩。来自我校热情的学生志愿者们也在活动中体现了最佳的风貌!我校参赛选手们成绩优异,获奖名单如下:

China Voice English Speech Contest of Anhui province was held in CISH this weekend on January 9th, 2016. Nearly 500 contestants from the entire province gathered in the competition in our school. The competitors are all very confident with remarkable skills. The enthusiasm of students volunteers in our school also showed their manners in the activity! Our players had an excellent and fruitful performance. The contest ended in a satisfactory way!





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