规范,专注 ----合肥高新中加学校·初高中2016新生军训汇报演出

2016年08月31日 合肥加拿大国际学校

On August 27th,2016,freshmen in the high school in SCCS attended the military training perfomance in the auditorium.The ceremony started in the background music of national anthem. Principal Lu, Vice-Principal Yu and Vice-Principal Geng attended the ceremony. The freshman in G7 and G10  presented us a wonderful performance in the military training.


At the beginning, instructors led the students to go on the stage orderly in order to show the achievements of the military training: military posture, line shape, goose step, singing songs and so on. Students' excellent performance won the applause of the parents and teachers, which showed great praise and relief.


Recalling the several days during the military training, in spite of the hot weather, students did not give up and bear hardships. When students came back to their dormitory, they made their beds and subjected to the dormitory management, which developed independent living skills.


One minute on the stage and ten years of practice off the stage. Students benefit a lot from this military training. Their students representative said “ No pains no gains. Military training is a challenge for all of us who used to live in the ivory tower. We’ve learned no sweat no sweet, we’ve learned to be more independent, and we’ve learned to be more responsible.


No pains no gains. There are a lot of students who behaved well in the military training, and they got the awards they deserved.


Military training performance came to an end, but the road to honor for SCCS students is just beginning. On the platform of SCCS, these lovely teenagers will show their potential and abilities.










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