
2016年09月06日 美国驻华大使馆

#美国大选# – 政党。政党自建国以来就已经融入到美国的民主制度之中,尽管美国宪法从未提及它们,并且一些开国元勋们明确地反对它们。美国第一任总统乔治∙华盛顿从未加入过任何政党,并且在他的卸任演讲中警告“派系斗争”的危险。颇为讽刺的是,美国的两党制度出自华盛顿的两位最亲近的顾问 – 财政部长亚历山大∙汉密尔顿和弗吉尼亚州国会议员詹姆斯∙麦迪逊。由汉密尔顿领导的联邦党倾向于建立强有力的中央政府,并在政府和富人之间建立紧密的联系。民主共和党则由麦迪逊和托马斯∙杰斐逊创立,它支持限制中央政府的权力并对政府采取更为民粹主义的措施。今天,美国政治体制由民主党和共和党主导。你能说出一些推举总统候选人的其它政党吗?了解更多关于美国政党的信息,请阅读(中文):http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/article/2012/08/20120815134695.html

Political parties have been woven into the fabric of U.S. democracy almost since the nation’s founding, even though the U.S. Constitution never mentions them and some Founding Fathers outright rejected them.  George Washington, the nation’s first president, never joined any political party and warned in his farewell address against the dangers of "factionalism."  Ironically, the American two-party system emerged from two of Washington’s closest advisers, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton and Virginia Congressman James Madison. The Federalist Party, headed by Hamilton, favored a strong central government and close links between the government and men of wealth. The Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Madison and Thomas Jefferson, supported a limited role for central government and a more populist approach to government.  Today, the U.S. political system is dominated by the Democratic and Republican parties.  Can you name some other parties that have run candidates for President?  To learn more about American Political Parties, see (ch): http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/article/2012/08/20120815134695.html 

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