To CISH Families | 致家长们的一封信

2018年06月16日 合肥加拿大国际学校

Dear CISH Families

It is hard to believe that the school year is already winding down.  As we wrap up,  I would like to personally extend a thank you to our incredible school staff who works very hard on a daily basis to guide our children and help them learn and grow. We would be hard pressed to find a more caring and dedicated  group of teachers.

I would also like to thank our CISH Parent Support Committee and all of our volunteers for the hours of dedication to help enrich our school and build a sense of community for our students.  To all our parents, I would like to say thank you for trusting us with your children.

As I reflect on the school year I am encouraged by many positive things that have happened throughout the year.  We welcomed some new families into our school
And our school population increased by about 150 % . Next year our school should be at about 500 students.  Our sports teams are much better established and played over thirty different teams.  We won numerous awards in the Mathematics competitions. The Parent Support Committee did a fabulous job on Children’s Day and I don’t think I have seen so many smiles or heard so much laughter from the students. CISH had their first Drama Production “Honk” and it was a definite success! CISH achieve success in obtaining International Baccalaureate Diploma Program authorization. CISH is the first IB continuum school in Anhui province and we are the 28th IB continuum school in all of China. Of course our biggest achievement is our four students graduating this year  (Josefina Kemeny,  Jessie Liu,   Lucas Noh and Stefan Peng ).  They will attend universities in Amsterdam,  California, Hong Kong and London UK.  We are very proud of each of them and wish them well in their futures.

Next year, at CISH we will focus on:

◦ Teaching students to use strategies for understanding reading and reading to learn
◦ Revamp our Math curriculum so at all levels it is more rigorous.
◦ Building interest in technology through additional technological enrichment opportunities 
◦ Building social relationships and independence in the school community.
◦ Begin a school orchestra .
◦ Provide better quality , more structured after school activities. Every activity must be monitored more closely. The Tech Program SCHOOL BUDDIES should help with this. Every activity will have a final performance from the students. 
◦ Students in Grade 11 will be monitored daily so we can see how they are progressing in DP. If they need extra support this will be provided.
◦ Student attendance will be monitored much closer. If the choices of school activities are  not satisfactory please see administration to see if alternative arrangements can be made.

In closing, on behalf of the staff at CISH we wish everyone a very happy, healthy and safe summer break.  We will look forward to hearing about all the fun and exciting learning experiences your families have enjoyed over the summer! 

Yours in learning

Peggy Gorman-Mitchell
Head of School




我们的学生增加了约150%。明年我们的学校应该有大约500名学生。我们的运动队伍得到了很好的发展也取得了好成绩。我们在数学比赛中赢得了很多的奖项。家长委员会在儿童节期间做了出色的工作,我第一次见到如此多的笑容和听到如此多的笑声。 合肥加拿大国际学校的第一部话剧作品“Honk”诞生了,这是一个前所未有的创举! 同时,合肥加拿大国际学校成功获得IB国际文凭大学预科认证。合肥加拿大国际学校作为全中国仅有的28所IB全学段学校其中的一员,也是安徽省第一所IB全学段学校
当然,我们最大的成就是今年毕业的四名学生(Josefina Kemeny,Jessie Liu,Lucas Noh和Stefan Peng)。他们将在阿姆斯特丹,加利福尼亚,香港和英国伦敦上大学。我们为他们每以为都感到非常自豪,并祝愿他们在未来取得更大的成功。

我们应该为此提供帮助。 希望每个活动都会有学生的学年终表演。
◦对11年级的学生将每天进行监督,以便我们了解他们在DP中的进展情况。 我们将给他们额外的帮助,如果需要。

最后,我代表所有合肥加拿大国际学校的工作人员祝愿每个人都拥有一个快乐,健康,安全的暑假。 我们期待在8月开学时听到您和您的家人有趣的暑期经历和学习体验!

Peggy Gorman-Mitchell

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