Getting Real About Wellness | 认真对待健康

2019年03月05日 合肥加拿大国际学校

Getting Real About Wellness


Positive Speech from Scott Butler on Wellness Day

Scott Butler

World Greatest Speaker certified, 

Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal (QDJM),

 Canadian Forces Decoration (CD), 

Black belt Kenpo Karate, 2017 Canadian Kickboxing Champion,

4 time member of Team Canada kickboxing, boxing, 

CISH kickboxing instructor, 

floor and CISH ice hockey coordinator,

CISH ESL teacher









I have a question for you, what is your most important relationship?  Your most important relationship is with yourself.  When somebody asks you how are you feeling today.  How do you usually respond?  Most people automatically answer with “I’m good!” or something like that.  But, do you ever take the time to pause and reflect within to evaluate and become aware of how you truly feel and think on the inside?  This is a form of mindfulness and leads toward self-awareness and self-knowledge.  


There are many people in the world suffering.  Their basic human needs are not met. They are hungry, do not have shelter, are not loved by anyone or are completely alone.  Certainly, these people are majorly lacking basic wellbeing.  I know there are people in this room who feel alone, are suffering physically or are experiencing some form of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual pain.  Remember that you are not alone, there are people that care, here in CISH.  There are people available to help you.  If you are experiencing a lack of wellbeing do not keep it to yourself.  Find someone in the school or that you trust and ask for help.  


I want to say early in this presentation that I believe in you.  Self-esteem is a central part of wellness and believing in yourself is a very important belief to have.


It was difficult for me to move to China away from my family and the culture that I lived in for most of my life.  I reached out and told someone in CISH leadership that my wellness had dropped temporarily and a flood of support came to help me during my transition.  I am very grateful for this.  They helped me understand the culture in Hefei better and showed love and support.  In your time of need, reach out and tell the right people.  The administration at CISH work hard to ensure the wellbeing of the staff and students of CISH so tell them if you experience a drop in your wellbeing.


Personally, when I was a young student, I often lacked a strong sense of well-being.  I did not feel good about myself, was bullied a lot and found it hard to believe in myself.  Some of you may be able to relate to this but remember that you are not the only person temporarily lacking personal wellbeing and that it is common for many people of all ages to lack wellbeing from time to time in their lives.  Since I was young, I have used a range of ideas and strategies to improve my wellbeing.  Wellbeing is much more than just physical but physical is one very important part of wellbeing.

就我个人而言,当我还是学生时,我经常缺乏强烈的幸福感。我对自己感觉不好,经常被欺负,很难相信自己。你们中的一些人也许能够理解这一点,但请记住,你并不是唯一一个暂时缺乏幸福的人,许多不同年龄的人在生活中都会时不时地缺乏幸福感, 这是很常见的。从我很小的时候起,我就运用了一系列的想法和策略来改善健康。虽然幸福不仅仅是身体健康,但身体健康是幸福的重要组成部分。

Wellness has many components.  Physical wellbeing is only 1 of 7 parts of overall wellness.  You also have emotional, social, financial, academic (or work), environmental and spiritual wellbeing.  The Emotional part of wellness is how you feel from moment to moment and your overall emotional experience over time.  Social wellness is the quality of all of your relationships with other people including your family.  Financial wellness is your relationship with money including your beliefs about the purpose of money and your financial habits.  Academic (or work) wellness is your experience at school, the quality of your learning and your relationship and feelings about school in general.  Your environmental wellness is your ongoing experience with the world around you.  Spiritual wellness is your relationship with life itself including your beliefs, what you think your life is for and what is important to you about your life. 


Our life always starts how we think, believe and interact with life.  Our life experience and what we achieve in life is always a result of how we think and feel deep on the inside.  To meet our spiritual needs, it is important to take time in quiet and reflect on who we are, what is important to us, what we want to improve about our lives and what we want to achieve in our lives.  In other words it includes our beliefs, values and goals.  


You all have a spiritual seed deep inside of you.  Some of you have started to bloom already and some of you are late bloomers.  Never forget that some of the most beautiful flowers bloom later.  I recommend having a journal and taking time everyday to reflect and write down how you are feeling, what went well with your day, what you want to improve about your day and the goals that you want to achieve in the short-term and in the longer term.  This will help your spiritual life blossom.  You need to take responsibility for your wellness.  Wellness is too important to leave to chance.  Be intentional about creating wellness in your life.


A great way to enhance your spiritual wellbeing is to contribute to the wellbeing of others.  By giving and adding value to other people it is hard to not feel good about yourself.  This will also help satisfy your human need for purpose.


Another very important part of your personal wellbeing is your emotional wellbeing.  You also start to improve your emotional wellbeing through self-awareness.  By checking in with yourself and asking yourself how you are feeling in this moment and if your emotional needs are being met.  Many people are, at least sometimes, walking around without their emotional needs being met.  


When you check in with yourself, you start to identify the problem or what is lacking.  You cannot solve a problem that is not well defined.  So clarify and define what you think the problem is so you can move toward improving your emotional wellbeing.  Then, of course, make a plan to meet your emotional needs.  We are human beings and one of our deepest needs is for connection with other people.  Sometimes, finding a good friend or someone to talk to who you feel safe with will go a far way toward meeting your emotional needs.  


A great way to boost your emotional wellness is through random acts of kindness and generosity.  This can come in the form of giving a genuine compliment, giving away free smiles, giving a gift or helping someone with a problem or need that they have.  Kindness is also demonstrated through being a good listener, giving to a stranger or volunteering in your school or larger community for a cause that is meaningful to you.  When we help others, we automatically help ourselves.  This is a beautiful thing.  When we are friendly, others will want to be our friend and be friendly in return.  This is as natural as any other natural law.


Another very important part of emotional wellbeing is self-love and taking care of yourself.  If you are uncomfortable with the idea of self-love, the first thing you need to do is to become comfortable with the idea of self-love.  If you say the affirmation “I love myself” or “I like myself” and fell uncomfortable, you need to become comfortable with both saying “I love myself” or “I like myself” and get comfortable with how you feel when you say these positive affirmations.


Taking time to relax and recharge and not feeling guilty for doing so is just as important as a good day of hard work.  The balance between the two, in my opinion, is the recipe for a life well lived.  Of course, don’t forget to have fun!  Some people are naturally able to have a great time almost anywhere.  Some other people need to structure their life in a planned way to let loose and have fun.  Figure out who you are but ensure that you make time to have fun.  Having fun is an important part of loving yourself.


Connection with family and friends cannot be ignored.  You may be a shy person or have anxiety around people but to have optimal wellbeing you need to include people in your life.  If you are shy, get outside of your comfort zone a little to connect with other people.  Practice using eye contact, introducing yourself, sharing information about yourself, asking other people questions, and attending social gatherings.


There are several key parts of physical wellbeing: exercise, good nutrition, hydration, consistent quality sleep and relaxation and stress reduction.  


There is no one “right” type of exercise.  Personally, I use a variety of exercises and sports to maintain good physical wellbeing including kickboxing, weight training, running, skipping, stretching and cross fit type exercises.  Some of these may or may not be right for you.  It is important to find exercises and sports that you enjoy so you do them consistently and continue to stay with them over the long-term.  Yoga is becoming very popular and it is great for both body and mind.   


Good nutrition is also personal.  If you exercise more you can afford to eat more of certain types of foods.  Generally, we should be eating fruits and vegetables for about half of our diet.  Then most of us should eat some type of meat or fish protein, some dairy product and some grain product (whole wheat is better).  I’ve experience some of the Chinese diet over the last 6 months and it is very different from the North American diet.  In many ways it is healthier.  Many Chinese foods seem to be vegetable based and include other natural foods too which are best.  Processed foods, junk foods, soda pop, foods high in sugar, foods high in salt. white breads should generally be minimized or avoided.  Over consumption of these foods are responsible for a lot of the health problems that many Western countries are currently experiencing.  We should sip on water throughout the day to stay hydrated.  Especially drink a lot of water when you wake up in the morning because you were in the desert all night and during and after physical activity.  


Most studies say we need between 7-9 hours of sleep per night, more when you are younger and those should be consistent hours every night.  


Most of you don’t have to worry too much about finances right now but it is important to develop a healthy relationship with money.  What does money mean to you and what purpose does it serve in your life?  Some people have an unhealthy relationship with money.  For some people, money is their ruler and they live their life to make more money.  

For many other people, they do not value money and they spend more than they have and have problems managing their money in a balanced way.  Many other people believe they are not deserving of money or that money is the root of all evil.  You can change your relationship with money and shape what money means to you.  Your beliefs can change through conscious effort. 


For me money has several purposes. First, it is one measurement of what value I give to the world.  Second, money saved and wisely invested provides financial security and freedom. Third, it is a means to meet my needs and enjoy life. Last, it is a means to give to the world, help my family and contribute to the causes that are important to me in my life.


Sometimes in life, something will happen and you will have no control over it.  Then you need to be resilient.  Being resilient means accepting what has happened in your life, that you cannot change it and learning to have a positive attitude and not letting what happened bring you down.  It could be a health issue, your parents may move somewhere you do not like, someone may treat you very poorly or you may fail something or lose something.  Then you choose your attitude toward it.  You can decide what the experience means to you.


How you think and feel from moment to moment including how you feel about yourself will ultimately influence what decisions you make, what habits that you will install in your life and your overall state of wellbeing.  You can become aware of these things and take control of how you feel and think about yourself and your life.  Make a decision to make wellbeing your highest priority in your life.  Shape outstanding daily habits that will lead your life in an outstanding direction.  I wish for you the highest levels of wellbeing and a life full of joy, success and happiness.  You all deserve it.


To conclude, what will you do to enhance your wellbeing?  What areas of your life should you focus on to enhance your wellbeing?  Thank-you.

总而言之,你会做什么让自己更快乐? 你应该关注生活的哪些方面来让自己变得快乐? 谢谢。

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