CPR course in CISH | 合肥加拿大国际学校心肺复苏急救培训

2018年09月28日 合肥加拿大国际学校

This past Wednesday, Sep. 26th staff members from multiple departments of CISH took part in a CPR course. With the assistance of Ms. Sharon Jin, healthcare professionals from the second people’s hospital of Hefei not only gave a presentation on basic CPR technique, but also demonstrated the use of the Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) with the equipment we now have available in our school. After the demonstration they spent time answering any questions from the staff and addressing any concerns. This course was particularly helpful as techniques for use on children were also demonstrated which in a school is critical information. The course was beneficial as it taught techniques to beginners, and updated the CPR techniques of those with previous experience. 

本周三,926日合肥加拿大国际学校组织了不同部门的老师代表们参加了心肺复苏培训。 来自合肥市第二人民医院的医师,在Sharon Jin老师的协助下不仅给我们的老师们介绍了基本的心肺复苏术,也展示我们学校现有的自动体外除颤器的使用方法。


在讲解和展示结束后他们也很耐心的回答了所有的问题。 在此次培训中医师们还演示了如何紧急救助儿童, 这对一个学校来说至关重要。此次的培训不仅向初学者传授了心肺复苏的技术,还帮助以前有相关经验人员获得最新心肺复苏的信息,是一个非常有价值的培训。

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