CISH Open House 合肥加拿大国际学校开放日活动成功举办

2016年09月12日 合肥加拿大国际学校

The Canadian International School of Hefei is the place to be!  This was demonstrated during the excellent turnout for OPEN HOUSE for the Canadian International School of Hefei held on Wednesday, September 6, 2016 from 7 PM to 9 PM.   Does your child need extra help in Math, English, Mandarin and/or Design Technology?  A discussion was held on what tutoring services are available at all grade levels (free of charge). Also did you want to know more about lego robotics, drama, art, math enrichment, Model United Nations, soccer, badminton?  These are some of the after school activities that are available for our students.  During the Open House Ms. Vassallo gave an excellent presentation on her role as a guidance counselor at CISH. 

合肥加拿大国际学校就是你一直在寻找的学校! 在刚刚过去的开放日活动中,我们迎来了许多家长。在开放日活动中,我们讨论了给各年级孩子提供的各种额外的免费辅导,诸如数学、英语、中文、计算机设计等方面。同时我们的孩子们还可以选择乐高机器人、戏剧、艺术、数学竞赛、模拟联合国、足球、羽毛球等丰富的课外活动课。在开放日活动开始前,Ms. Vassallo发表了精彩的讲话,给大家介绍了她作为升学及心理指导老师的职责。

Afterwards   kindergarten and elementary parents visited the classrooms of their son or daughter.  Each teacher discussed the curriculum for the grade level and subject area.  Also the specialty teacher in art, music, physical education and mandarin discussed how their subject areas worked with the other areas  to allow a transdisciplinary approach to curriculum.  Mr. Lee also gave a presentation on CLASSDOJO – a communication program we are using to communicate to parents about their children.  

之后幼儿园和小学的家长们去参观了孩子们的教室。同老师讨论了教学和各科情况。艺术、音乐、体育和中文老师介绍了他们是怎样和其它学科的老师们配合以创造一种超学科教学的模式。幼儿园及小学的负责人 Mr. Lee还给家长们介绍了CLASSDOJO这个在线展示平台,家长们可以在这个平台上与老师交流。

In Middle High, the parent became the student and followed the schedule of their child.   The importance of being on time for all classes was stressed.  Parents learned more about the International Baccalaureate Program and how the interdisciplinary approach is emphasized in their curriculum.  They learned what happens in Math, English, Mandarin, Individuals and Societies, Science, Design Technology, Art, Music, Physical Education.


Afterwards munchies were served in the plant room and parents had more interesting questions to ask teachers and administrators. CISH parents had a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the curriculum being offered at 





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