#实用口语短句# 25/08/2014

2014年08月25日 新西兰艾斯柏林奥克兰分校




John said I should try bungee jumping, but I had cold feet.约翰说我应该去试试蹦极,但我紧张极了。

My boss is a skinflint. 我的老板很抠门。

I hope you can understand my situation. 我希望你可以理解我的处境。

Period. 毋需多言

He doesn't know which end is up. 他不知道事情的真相。

Let me sleep on it. 让我晚上想想,明天再说。

I have bigger fish to fry. 我有更重要的事情要做。

He's a diamond in the rough. 他是个可造之材。

I need to answer the call of nature. 我需要去一下洗手间

I've got Monday morning feeling. 我得了星期一综合症。

The subway passengers were packed like sardines this morning. 今天早上地铁非常拥挤。

What time do you punch in? 你几点打卡上班?

This is just between you and me. 天知地知,你知我知

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