NZ Alumni Business Networking (Guangzhou)

2015年12月07日 新西兰教育及留学

12月12日(周六)早上,我们将再次组织新西兰海归NZ Alumni Business Networking。收取费用为50元每人。费用全部用于每人自己吃的Brunch(鸡蛋吐司+三文鱼/香肠 选一,内含一杯茶或咖啡)里面。组织方没有任何盈利或额外创收。本次活动得到新西兰驻广州总领事馆的大力支持!本次活动我们将会听到新西兰驻广州总领事商务领事John Cochrane先生,根据其自身的经验与体会,给广大新西兰海归有意在中国从事商业活动而支招!

机会难得,希望大家踊跃报名。因为名额有限,活动只限于新西兰海归。如有意参加活动,可在“新西兰海归广东小分队”微信群里接龙报名,或者可以通过发邮件的方式联系Felix:[email protected],留下您的联系方式。



John Cochrane, Trade Commissioner, NZTE

江浩然 先生, 新西兰驻广州总领事馆商务领事

John Cochrane自2011年任职新西兰贸易发展局华南地区的贸易专员,兼新西兰驻广州总领事馆商务领事以来,一直居住在广州。不同于一般的新西兰外交官,John是出生于洛杉矶的新西兰籍的美国人。

在就职于新西兰领事馆前,John曾在多家私营企业、特别在科技创新行业任职高管。John在其职业生涯初期,在加利福利亚州埃尔塞贡多市(El Segundo)的施乐公司作为化学工程师从事半导体方面的研究。经过几年在高尖领域上的研发工作后,John毅然决定脱离研发机构,进入了一家南加州数一数二的商业地板供应商工作,最后成为了公司的总经理。1989年,John第一次去到新西兰旅游,并从此爱上了这个国家,1997年,受聘于基督城一家高科技公司,并从此留在了新西兰。John最早与中国有商业往来,是在2002年。2005年至2010年期间,John有超过50%的时间是在中国,主导新西兰况得实仪器有限公司(Commtest Instruments Ltd)设立北京分公司的工作。Commtest目前是GE Energy的子公司。


John Cochrane is the New Zealand Trade Commissioner for Southern China and is based in the New ZealandConsulate-General in Guangzhou. John has been the trade commissioner sinceDecember 2011 and he loves living and working in Guangzhou.

Before joining New Zealand Trade andEnterprise in October 2011, John worked entirely in the private sector, andmost of those years there was a strong emphasis on technology and innovation.

Unusual for a New Zealand Diplomat, John isan American-born New Zealander (originally from Los Angeles) and he immigratedto New Zealand in early 1999.

John began his career as a chemicalengineer working in the field of semi-conductor research in El Segundo,California. After several years of cutting edge R&D John decided he wantedout of the sterile laboratory environment and he joined a family-ownedcommercial floor covering business that served some of southern California’slargest and wealthiest property owners and developers.

In 1989 John made his first visit to NewZealand as a very eager tourist. Tourism led to friendships with Kiwis, andthese friendships eventually led to his becoming the sole US-based employee ofa small Christchurch high-tech company. That was in January 1997.

At the end of 1998 John accepted the invitationto come live and work in Christchurch at the head office of CommtestInstruments Ltd, now part of GE Energy. In 2002 John became a New Zealandcitizen.

John’s first connections with China dateback to early 2002 when Commtest began trading with China. From 2005 to 2010 hewas living in China about 50% of each year as he established Commtest’s Beijingsubsidiary office.

Now as the southern China tradecommissioner John’s main responsibilities involve helping New Zealand companiesestablish themselves in China and flourish here. And as part of the expandedConsulate team, he also assists with the implementation of China-NZ policiesand programmes.

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