Exclusive animals in Australia

2018年05月03日 剑桥考试语言辅导

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Animals in Australia

我们知道,南半球的澳洲,有着极其独特的物种,早在当年就吸引了大科学家达尔文Charles Darwin来澳洲,并撰写盖世巨著 - 物种起源 Origin of Species。今天在学校语言中心,Miss Gallaguer把澳洲特有的一些小动物向学生问了个遍,他们都有自己喜欢的。童鞋,你知道几个涅?你们不仅要知道中文名称,更要晓得英文怎样说才算是一级棒!开始!把会的单词先写下来,然后在底部匹配。不知道的查牛津在线词典Oxford Dictionary。

Fact - Females have a pouch to carry their baby.

Fact - It lay eggs but feeds its babies milk.

Fact - Its beak looks like a duck, and lives in rivers but it is venomous, so it's dangerous!

Fact - It looks like a bear but it lives in trees. Its favorite food is eucalyptus leaves.

Fact - It is the fastes and tallest land bird in Australia.

Fact - They sing like human laughing.

Fact - It looks like a blind bat, but its eyes are very sharp.

Fact - It is very dangerous. Stay away from it!

Fact - it looks like a bear but it is very shy and does cube-shaped poo.

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