3年包租!每年租金回报5%!Jordan Springs Display Home

2015年10月30日 MeridianHomes


总价Total Package Price:AUD$755,000

土地面积Land Size: 320sqm

建筑面积Building Size: 182sqm

卧室 Bedrooms: 4

车库 Garage: 1

购买理由Reasons for buying


Same size but cheaper price compared to apartment;

Land price is increasing year by year;


3 Years rental guarentee with 5% yield per year;

Pay by installments;

Customize your home include interior design and building material;
6. 购买House and Land Package只交土地印花税;

Only Land stamp duty apply when purchase House and Land Package;


No Strata, no community fee,no land tax;
8. 土地和房屋的永久产权,可世代相传;

Lifelong ownship of land and house;

High quality brand new house, low maintenance fee.

Location and area plan 地理位置与整体规划

Jordan Springs距Penrith中心距离7公里,属于Penrith市政厅管辖。Penrith历史上是一个农业区,现正慢慢成为一个区域中心城市和商业中心,区内有齐全的生活配套(包括Westfield)及大型运动设施(澳洲最大的橄榄球俱乐部、2000年奥运会水上运动中心)。


Nestled around a 900ha regional park, the Jordan Springs 2014 UDIA Award winning community has been carefully designed with a balance of homes, shops, parks, hike & bike trails and many other community and learning resources and facilities to create a vibrant village atmosphere.



73.4% of the population in Jordan Springs are born in Australia. Most of them are well educated.Creating safe, self-sustaining communities where neighbours have the opportunity to meet and become friends is an important part of all Lendlease communities.

Education and Hospitals教育医疗

Schools学校:Braddock primary school (小学)Cranebrook high school (高中)Kingswood TAFE University of western Sydney-Penrith (大学)
Along with the proposed Jordan Springs Public Primary School, there are 38 primary and 12 high schools in the Penrith Valley.
有 38 小学和 12 高中在Penrith Valley, 以及准备设立的Jordan Springs公立小学。

Childcare Centres托儿所:
Little Zaks Academy Childcare Centre.
Penrith Valley also has more than 80 existing childcare centres.

Nepean Hospital

Employment 就业规划

近年来悉尼第二机场的规划及The Northern Rd拓宽让当地就业及人口快速增长。据估计,该别墅项目2020年居民将达6500人,共2450所房屋, 相比之下Penrith地区拥有近十万就业人口,近几年西部大开发创造出大量新增就业机会,Penrith地区新增房屋将长期供不应求。
- 政府拟建第二机场位于西部Badgerys Creek;
-政府大楼逐步转移去Parramatta Penrith 及Liverpool大量就业转移;
-耗资超过30亿澳元的西北线铁路及west connex道路工程于2019年正式启用;
-两倍于悉尼CBD中心面积的Sydney business park即将启用 提供超过10万岗位的就业机会;

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