向6.5分口语Say NO~ 附9分Sample

2015年04月15日 无忧小雅哥

Describe a story that you were told when you were a child.

You should say:

Who told you the story?

What was story about?

What made you remember the story?

And explain what can you learn from the story?

【Native speaker’s Comments:】

Dear students, before I try to answer this question, I want you to think about a real story that you were told, either by your family or friends. You can talk about a story that was told 2 weeks ago! Examiner won’t know this right? So just come up with something easy and talk about it.

You could prepare some examples or stories to make your descriptions more interesting (for speaking part 2, and maybe part 3).

The ability to tell a story in English is a sign that you are becoming a proficient user of the language. Test yourself: try telling a story in English now! Start with something easy, like "what I did yesterday".

Remember this is speaking, so you don’t and should not aim to write these answers the same way you do in writing. Speaking=causal=no fixed strict rules= unlike writing!

【Model Answer:】

I remember my father used to always read me fictional stories about extra-terrestrial species and alien life in outer space! Yes aliens! Of course back then, I would think of it all as “real” and I truly enjoyed everything about his stories you know.

Basically his story was about a colony of alien species who look like humans on planet Mars. He used to tell me all about how they live up there and the technological advances that they have mastered, things that humans wont probably even have in 100 years! He told me about how peaceful and intelligent they are and I used to always automatically assume that they are going to come after us and destroy our planet and invade our cities and kill us all! Silly me indeed!

Anyway, I remember I would fall asleep shortly after listening to his stories, shortly after staring at the night sky in the hope that I would see actual aliens and spacecraft’s in the sky. The reason why I remember it so well is because my current bedroom is covered fully in glass, white glass windows facing the sky and every time I look at it, it reminds of the nights that my father used to tell me all about aliens! In fact, I miss his stories a lot but I am a grown up person now and obviously he won't read me anything anymore, but we still talk about science and the possibility of encountering with alien species.

I believe his stories can actually help me and motivate me to learn a lot about outer space and the Universe that we live in. My major is science so I have always been interested in space, physics and astronomy. His stories always remind me of the fact that unlike common belief, intelligent life could actually exist out there and we should keep an open mind about it. Unfortunately, my friends don’t take the whole idea seriously, but I always ask myself, what if we could detect life out there? What if they visit us? Thanks to my father’s story, I have a much wider view and a deeper knowledge of space and I am hopeful to see some aliens in the future

【注解】:烤鸭们会发现,即使是写下来的文档,也能发现很多口语化的用词。记住,口语考试一定要使用一些口语化的词汇!例如,well,you know这一类自然的表达,都可以随口而出。口语虽然是一场考试,但它也是一个communication的过程。永远不要和writing混淆


同学们在平时口语备考的时候要注意,可以写下一些Idea,甚至是积累一些话题相关的好词好句,用在口语当中。更重要的是,要Speak up!~只有不断练习 “口语”,才能在雅思口语考试中发挥出自己应有的水平!~


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余施华 8,7.5,7,8

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晓松 7.5,7.5,7,8


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