The little known secret to beautiful skin and optimal health

2015年12月02日 新西兰好健康

There are many different ingredients that are good for the skin but not all have the unique health properties that Squalene has.

有很多不同的物质都对我们皮肤的健康很有好处, 但是它们都不具备角鲨烯所特有的对健康独一无二的贡献。

Shark liver oil has long been used throughout history for its healing properties. One of the main components in Shark liver oil is Squalene. Squalene is a powerful antioxidant. It aids cell generation and helps deliver the oxygen our cells need to be healthy, boost energy and maintain optimal health.

一直以来鲨鱼肝油以它的治愈性能为人所知。 角鲨烯是鲨鱼肝油中主要成分之一, 它是一种强有效的抗氧化剂,可以促进细胞的修复再生,并为其充氧, 从而增强体能,并把我们的健康维持在最佳状态。

Squalene was called ‘samedawa’ in ancient Japan. This term means "cure all". Research has shown that using Squalene helps our bodies maintain healthy cells which leads to many benefits including better skin, improvement in energy, and to even prevention of some serious health conditions.

在古日语里角鲨烯被称为‘samedawa', 是 “治愈一切”的意思。 研究也表明角鲨烯可以帮助我们维持身体细胞的健康,这样不仅有益于更好的皮肤,提高体能和活力,甚至可以预防一些严重危害健康疾病的发生。

Squalene can naturally be found in our body but our levels peak in our twenties and gradually decreases as we age. It is important to replenish our squalene levels every day for optimum health while it’s still early. Other known sources of squalene can be found in food (like olive oil), but shark liver oil remains to be the most abundant source of squalene to date.

角鲨烯也是我们人类身体里与生俱来的一种成分, 只是它的含量在我们二十几岁的时候处于巅峰, 然后就随着年龄的递减而逐渐减少。所以趁着为时不晚,为了健康, 每日补充身体所需的角鲨烯水平是非常有必要的。 尽管我们知道角鲨烯也可以在其它食物中被找到(比如橄榄油),但是迄今为止鲨鱼肝油是我们知道的最充足的角鲨烯来源。

Health benefits of Squalene


Skin Protection - Squalene is also found in the human liver and bloodstream, but is most abundant in our skin cells. It works by strengthening collagen structure and fighting against the free radicals produced by exposure to the sun, effectively protecting us from UV radiation and other oxidative damage. Squalene as a lubricant reduces the appearance of fine lines and leaves the skin smooth, soft, and healthier than before. It is also known to reduce acne breakouts.

保护皮肤- 在人类的肝脏和血液中都发现有角鲨烯,但是人体中含有角鲨烯最高的地方竟是我们的皮脂细胞。它通过增强胶原质的结构和抵抗由于日晒而导致的自由基的生成,从而有效地使我们免受紫外线和其它具有氧化性质的伤害。 角鲨烯就好像润滑剂一样,减少了皮肤细纹的生成,令肌肤变得有光泽,柔软有弹性,当然也就更健康了。 而且它还可以减少粉刺和痤疮的生成呢。

Squalene oil has anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties, effectively protecting us against colds, viruses, and infections. It also has the ability to prevent cell damage to maintain healthy cells by rejuvenating weakened cells and promoting cell growth. As a result, various body organs are able to function more properly, and we ourselves become more energized.

角鲨烯油有防真菌,病毒和细菌的特性, 所以它可以有效的保护我们免受感冒,病毒和感染的困扰,提高机体的防御机能。 它还通过恢复细胞活力,并促进其生长来阻止细胞的损伤,维持细胞的健康。从而身体的各个器官就可以更好地行使其职能, 我们自然也就更加的充满活力。

Potential Cancer support
It is thought that sharks are significantly less prone to cancer compared to humans and other animals. Studies suggest that it may be the high levels of squalene in their livers that are preventing their DNA from producing cancerous cells, therefore protecting them from cancer and many other diseases. Certainly an interesting theory.

与人类和动物相比,鲨鱼得癌症的可能是微乎其微的。 研究表明这有可能是它们肝脏里含有大量角鲨烯的结果, 角鲨烯阻止了鲨鱼的DNA产生癌变,因而保护了它们免受癌症和许多其它疾病的困扰。 这绝对是一个值得研究的领域。

Good Health Squalene – supports healthy skin and immune function. It contains Squalene from shark liver oil that is sourced from the cold oceans surrounding New Zealand. Livers from sharks caught in tropical waters do not appear to have the same levels of beneficial nutrients. It is the extreme cold, high pressure and generally harsh conditions that force the liver to produce these compounds that allow sharks to thrive in the deep dark depths of the ocean.
好健康角鲨烯鱼肝油 - 帮助维护您的健康肌肤和增强机体免疫功能。 它含有的角鲨烯是由来自新西兰深海的鲨鱼肝油冷冻技术提炼而成。 热带水域的鲨鱼肝脏中含有的营养成分相对来说要比寒带的少。极端寒冷,高压和严酷的生存条件迫使鲨鱼的肝脏生成这些元素,从而使得它们可以在黑暗的深海里繁荣生长。

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