
2017年02月28日 无忧小雅哥

2017.02.25 A类Task 2 Sample Essay

Some people think international car-free days are an effective way of reducing air pollution, others think there are some other ways. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

【这道雅思的考题,算是给最近雅思考试添上了新鲜的一笔,终于不再是老三样的考题啦!但是归根究底,这还是一道环境类的考题,但是把重点放在了控制车辆数量和减少环境污染的关系上。要注意的是,题目问的是discuss both views,那么就记得要discuss两方的观点——car-free days是否有用,还是用其他的方式来减少环境污染来的有用。少写任何一方都会造成很严重的失分哦~】

The idea of establishing car-free days has been trialled in a few countries such as Paris and Indonesia, as a means to address the issue of air pollution. Some believe this is an ideal small-step solution to reduce pollution, while others believe it may not be the most effective solution. In my opinion, car-free days have merit in reducing air pollution as it raises awareness that could lead to long-term behavioural changes.

One way thatenacting a car-free day is effective is in increasing public awareness and creating a mindset shift regarding air pollution. Establishing this awareness is an important initial step in combating climate change concerning pollution. In the long-run, this could help induce larger-scale actions. In Jakarta for example, the government has declared a car-free zone in the central city area on Sundays. With the use of private transportation banned, citizens are motivated to rely on public transportation. Over the years, besides decreasing carbon dioxide emission, this has contributed to a lifestyle change and the number of cyclists and pedestrians, outside of car-free day, have increased. Although a small initiative, setting a car-free day can be an effective strategy in reducing pollution. 

On the other hand, others believe that there other more effective methods in targeting the worldwide problem of air pollution, such as focusing on an efficient public transport system. An effective and affordable public transport creates less incentive for individuals to travel by car. This leads to lowering air pollution and traffic jams. In several cities in Europe for example, the government has heavily invested in creating an efficient public transport and offering it for free. This,in conjunction with other strategies such as encouraging bicycle use and imposing higher parking rates, have resulted in reduced pollution and congestion.

In summary, while there are various means of reducing air pollution, such as encouraging the use of public transport and bicycles, car-free days is one of the most effective strategies. Besides reducing air pollution, it also helps educate individuals regarding the positive impact individuals can make on the environment, which will be effective in the long-run in addressing pollution rates. 

【Key Vocabulary】

Trialled in a few countries:

Trial: 作动词用代表试验、试用;短语的意思为“已经在一些国家试行”

As a means to: 


Address the issue of air pollution:

Address: Vt. 解决,处理,从事;短语的意思为“解决空气污染的问题”

Small-step solution:


Have merit in:

Merit: n. 好处,优点,价值,功绩;短语的意思为:对于…有价值

Raise awareness:


e.g.: publicity campaigns to raise awareness about screenings to vulnerable woman could also be introduced.

Long-term behavioural changes:

Long-term: 意思和long-run相近,长期的,长远的;该短语的意思为“长期的行为改变”


Enact:Vt. 颁布,制定法律

e.g.: California has led the country in enacting stricter air pollution and tailpipe emission standards. 

(tailpipe: 排气管)

Create a mindset shift:

Mindset: 心态,习惯,理念体系,思维模式;短语的意思为“创建一个思维模式的转变”

An important initial step:


如果大家想要表达第一步很重要这个意思的话,可以参考这个短语哦~ 简单又好用~

Combat climate change:

Combat:Vt. 反对,战斗,与…战斗;短语的意思为“与气候变化做斗争”

Induce larger-scale actions:

Induce: Vt. 诱导,引起;large-scale:adj. 大规模的,大范围的;


Over the years:


e.g.: The good news for small fries is that tax software has gotten better over the years.

Targeting the worldwide problem:

Target: 可做动词可做名词,很好学也很好用哦~


Less incentive:

Incentive: n. 动机,刺激;adj. 激励的,刺激的

e.g.: Content providers, however, have every incentive to control access to it because they rely on the goodwill of their audience.

Lowering air pollution:


e.g.: The results of the study have important implications for efforts to combat future climate change which are likely to take place alongside attempts to lower air pollution levels.

Heavily invested in:

Heavily: adv. 大量地,重金;短语的意思为“大量的投资在…”

In conjunction with:


e.g.: When used in conjunction with chemotherapy, it can prolong the life of patients with breast cancer.




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