Room for Improvement in Kid Snack Choices | 给孩子选择零食的时候需要注意的地方

2018年04月20日 合肥加拿大国际学校

Dear CISH Parents


As parents, we want to do everything we can to make sure our children are successful- at home, at school and in life. While back to school is a very busy time for kids, parents and teachers alike, spending some time talking about snacks can potentially make a big difference this school year.


Nutrition + Academic Performance Linked


A healthy, balanced diet is linked with academic achievement. In fact, the absence of certain food groups or nutrients in a child's diet can negatively impact grades and attendance. Kids who don't eat enough fruits, vegetables and milk and dairy foods tend to get lower grades than students who do meet dietary recommendations. Furthermore, deficits of specific nutrients like vitamins A, B6, B12, C, folate, iron, zinc and calcium are associated with lower grades and higher rates of absenteeism and tardiness among students. 


Room for Improvement in Kid Snack Choices



Many parents are unaware that poor snacking habits could negatively impact their child's academic performance. Research shows that kids get nearly one quarter of their daily calories from snacks-making snacks almost like the fourth meal of the day. The parent support group for CISH is very concerned that our students have healthy snacks. 


Unfortunately, research also shows that healthy foods are NOT what's commonly on a child's snack tray. Children are far more likely to snack on sweets or crunchy, salty snacks than nutrient rich food group foods. So there's plenty of room for snack improvement to help fuel academic success this school year. 

研究也同时表明,孩子的一般零食清单里大多不是健康食品。与营养丰富的食物类食物相比,儿童更喜欢吃甜食或脆脆的咸点心。所以在零食的改善上还有很大的空间,以此来帮助我们的学生取得学业上的成功 。

Lately we have noticed students bringing snacks to CISH that are not healthy.  We are going to start giving out snacks from the school but we will make sure the snacks we give out are healthy. 


Also if you think your child wants more than the snack we will provide then please send your child with a heathy snack. As a school and as a community we are going to try and teach children, the importance of healthy snacks.


This free service of a healthy will begin on Monday April 23rd



To best accommodate the current snack times in the classrooms and to make this work with the cafeteria, we have split the grades into two separate snack times.



Grade 1-2 snack will be available at 10:00am (Monday – Friday)

Grades 3-5 snack will be available at 3:15pm (Monday – Thursday) and 1:40pm (Friday)




Students eating the snack provided by the school will need to eat the snack at that time in school. They will not be permitted to take the snack on the bus as there is currently an issue with snacks and garbage causing a mess on the bus.



A cart will be loaded with trays of fruit, one for each class, in the cafeteria. We will be creating a system where the TAs will take turns bringing the cart up and delivering the trays to the classrooms. 



If you want your child to have more than this for a snack, please provide healthy snacks. Please limit the amount of money you give to them to buy treats at our school store. Teach them to make good choices.  We are going to have a nutritionist speak to our students regarding this matter in the very near future.


Thanking you


Peggy Gorman-Mitchell

Head of School

Canadian International School of Hefei



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