Donate Your Sports Shoes 献出小小爱心,帮助大大梦想!

2016年10月27日 新西兰好健康


Good Health NZ is proud to support ShoeBoxx Charity

同时我们也非常荣幸成为Shoe Boxx募捐活动的赞助伙伴!

Donate your sports shoes to the Good Health team at the ASB Auckland Marathon Expo on Friday 28 or Saturday 29 October and go in the draw to #WIN a brand new pair of shoes from the lovely team at ASICS New Zealand. 

1028日或29日到ASB 奥克兰马拉松的好健康展台捐出你的旧运动鞋,就有机会从ASICS赢取一双全新的运动鞋。

Your shoes will be gifted to NZ youth who couldn’t otherwise afford to have shoes on their feet. What are you waiting for?!


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